
1 year, 100 posts, and 1 happy blogger!

Today is the one year anniversary of Sweet Somethings and coincidentally also the 100th blog post!

So much can happen in a span of one year: things of greatness, things of sadness, times of great joy and jubilation, deep thoughts, outings and vacations, adventure, love and heartbreak, holiday celebrations, filled with friends, family, acquaintances, picture taking and a whole lot of writing.

You, my loyal readers, have followed me along my finest and not so finest moments, reading, laughing, and even sometimes crying along with me. You even put up with my countless spelling and grammar errors, missing words and run-on sentences.

From one of my very first posts, you were my biggest fans. You continued reading, even when half of it didn't even make sense.

You trusted my baking advice and tried some of my favorite recipes like this and this. You cheered me on when I talked endlessly about all the cool cakes I made in class. And most of all reaffirmed my calling and passion, as I shared in this special post.

You were here listening as I poured my heart out when I was sad or upset about things. Even as silly as letting go of my sweet French student, Tino, last summer. More importantly, when I was thinking back to the scariest day of my life, when I heard my Mom had almost died if it wasn't for my Savior and Protector.  And most recently, having to leave a piece of my heart in Roseville.

Holidays were always followed by pictures and thoughts, which you promptly read along with.
ThanksgivingChristmasbirthdays, and even Mother's Day, we celebrated together.

You let me talk endlessly about how much I love being a nanny. Reading all about this cool activity and that way of going about things. And always reminded me that I am a super cool nanny ;)

Reader, you were so very patient with me. You let me fuss, whine and talk about how life is just. not. fair. Fussing about people, about how hard I think life is, and finally understanding that it's all gonna be ok.

I experienced a lot of love this year too. In a whole lot of different ways. Here are my favorites, (Mom and Dad get Re-married! Roommate Soulmate Theory) and by the reader count they were yours too!

My loving readers supported my family and I through a big move to Iowa(Home Tour!) and gave a big cheer for me living on my own this summer(Summer Home!)

Most of all, you allowed me to share my heart. My jumbled thoughts about God and the way we should live our lives. You read along as I tried to teach myself  how to be a better follower of Christ and all around person, and while doing so touching your hearts too. Pouring my heart out about lovelife choices, and what it means to have humility.

I could never be more grateful for the joy you have brought me by being so loyal. Thank you for every sweet, encouraging, and funny comment you left and even just taking a spare moment to catch up with my crazy life. You are all so special to me. 

With the most love,

Don't worry.. I really am wearing clothes in this picture. 

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