
The Story of a Mom

Moms are really special.

I mean like REALLY special.

Only a woman can hold a child in her womb, nurse them when they are hungry and give that unique motherly love.

From the beginning mothers (at least most), protect their child in anyway possible. They take special vitamins for pregnancy, read all the books, take all the classes and prepare for the coming of their unborn child.

After their little angel comes into the world, they cradle, nurse, sooth cries and do all they can to hold tight to the precious gift from God.

As their little one, gets a bit older, they help them take their first steps, safety lock every square inch of their home and teach them 1-2-3's and A-B-C's. They might even have to teach the wrongs and rights with a or two swat on the bottom.

On the little one's first day of kindergarten, Mom picks out the most adorable outfit, filled their backpack with markers, crayons, paper, and glue, and lets go of the "big kids" hand in  tears as she realizes time is going too fast already.

Through elementary school, Mom drives little one(s) to soccer, dance, music classes, and school functions. Bakes numerous cookies for bake sales, and drives to the store to pick up art supplies for a project due the next day.

Once not so little "little one" hits middle school, Mom is wondering why time is going by so fast. Now she is driving her little one to the mall to hang with friends or to buy an overpriced name brand shirt. But little one still realized Mom exists, even if its just because they need a ride to the movies.

High school rolls around and so does the teenage angst. Mom struggles daily praying relentlessly that her son or daughter doesn't make the mistakes she did. She struggles to connect, communicate, and is constant frustrated so lost. She just wants her little one back, the little one she stayed up all night comforting when little one had nightmares.

Graduation comes and Mom cries. Time as gone too fast.

Little one moves away to college. Mom cries, prays and hopes for little one's wildest dreams to come true. She knows that she taught little one all they need to know about life, all that she could. She knows they are ready to move onto the world and conquer it. She misses little one everyday, but trusts that God is using them in a mighty way to make her proud.

Years pass and little one finds their soulmate, one just like Mom's. Mom cries, again. Mom helps plan every last detail, listens to the every frustration of the soon to be married. She looks at her little one at the alter and knows she's done something right.

More time passes and Mom hears the news that not only will she be Mom but a Grandma too. She takes little one to all the classes, sends her all the books and buys every cute outfit in sight.

Soon, she holds a new little angel in her arms. Her little one's little one. She thanks God because she must have done something right.


Mom, you are everything to me. You are my best friend, my confidant, strength, support system, role model, protector, and example of how to be a Godly woman. Thank you with all that is with in me for doing everything humanly possible to make a great life for me. I know at times I was a struggle, I never meant to hurt you through any of it, but thank you for being as patient as you could be with me always. 

I know we tend to butt heads at times, but thats just because I'm just like you. I'm not afraid to admit it either. I hope that I can be as strong, independent, honest as you are. I hope that I can be the wife one day that you are for Dad. And I can only pray all that is with in me that I can be the mother that you are for Jack, Chloe and I. 

I love you so much Mommy. I don't know what I would do without you. I know you don't get to hear it everyday, but just know every word of it is how I feel everyday.

I know our journey isn't close to being finished. I can't wait to plan my wedding with you. Have you help me decorate my house. Work with you as a business partner. And one day for you to hold my little one so tight just like you held me 20 years ago. 

I love you Mom, Frances, Fran, France, Mommy, Best Friend. 

Forever and always your baby I'll be.


Proverbs 6:20-22 ESV 
My son (daughter), keep your father’s commandment, and forsake not your mother’s teaching. Bind them on your heart always; tie them around your neck. When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you.

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