
Help Me Understand

I need some help understanding why you come to a Culinary school if you don't want to be a chef.

This is something I struggle with daily; wondering why you are here if you don't want to be.

I want to be a Pastry Chef. It's my passion. I wake up every morning knowing that I am here because I want to be here. I want to be a chef for the rest of my life. I want to spend many of my waking hours baking and creating. I want alllll of that with all that is in me. So when I am in class that is because this is my desire. I am at Johnson and Wales to LEARN. Imagine that.  

Every single day, there are a number of people who screw around in class. Who do nothing but stare off into space or who want to have social hour -- more like social 6 hours-- and talk about what they did last weekend. It's Thursday guys, we've heard about your weekend for the past 4 days now. The people you have to constantly remind what do when there are 2857948 things to be done. 

I feel like work my tail end off in class everyday. Picking up other people's slack while trying to keep up on my own. Please, I beg of you: STOP wasting my time and everyone else's. STOP wasting your money. STOP taking away the opportunity of someone who actually wants to do this for a living.

You are thinking, " Geez Jasmine, little harsh. Lay off."

I can't though.  When I see this happening and when I am directly effected by it, it makes it hard to ignore.

I wish they understood that one day when they want to get a job, they are going to be passed up for the person who works their butt off, the person who is always one step ahead of the game and the person who has the burning passion for baking.

In the end, I guess I want to thank those people. Because of them, I have become a harder worker, I've learned to multitask to a new degree and  one day I'll have their dream job.

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