
Scattered Heart

Coming home to Roseville is something that I have always looked forward to. It was always nice to come here and know that I had a warm bed to sleep in, the house I spent the better half of my life in, friends who always welcome me with open arms and be showered with love from everyone.

I knew coming to Roseville with my parents not living here any more was going to be different. Not a bad different, just different.

And although Betsy's family has welcomed me into their home so graciously and seriously made me feel like their home is mine as well, I just keep wanting to go home. My house. 400 Snow Breeze Ct.

I want to walk inside and see my mom cleaning the house. I wanted to walk in and see my dad working out in the garage. I wanted to turn the corner of the street and see Jack tying something to the back of his bike and dragging it down the street, or Chloe playing her silly horse games on the computer. Most of all I wanted to walk into my room and lay down, in the comfort of the room that has been there through every thing.

As I stood in front of my house this week, I wanted to cry. For the first time since leaving Roseville two  years ago, I was homesick.

I always told myself that Roseville was never a permanent home to me. Colorado was always where I belong. I still believe that, but now that I am back, I cant believe I took for granted the fact that, Roseville was home. When I come here now, I cant go home.

This week in has been the best week I've ever had in Roseville in the almost 12 years that I lived here.

I've lived with my best friend for a week and baked together. Gone out to breakfast, lunch, dinner, and coffee with each person who I truly and dearly care for. Gone on dates with this wonderful guy, that have made me smile more than I have in months. Given more heartfelt hugs than I have in ages. Snuggled with and taken pictures of more cats than I ever thought I would. Eaten sushi, In-n-Out and drank enough coffee and tea from Shady for a lifetime. Most of all, I remembered that home is where the heart resides. So much of my heart lies in the homes, places, and people of Roseville.

For the first time in a long time, I wished I lived here, even after all those years of trying to get out of Roseville. Leaving tomorrow is going to be so incredibly bittersweet. I made memories this week that I hope I never forget.

Thank you for welcoming me back so sweetly, each and everyone of you.

There is a serious lack of pictures. I'm just having too much fun to even think of taking them. I will always have the memories though and thats whats more important. 

I love you Roseville. Au Revoir.

Until Next Time (and there will most definitely be a next time),


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