
The Protector

Exactly one year ago, I got the news. The news that would send an earthquake through my life and everyone around us. 

It was September 16, 2010 at 11:40am. She was 1/4 mile from being safe and sound at home. But there was something else in the plans.

Calvin Tooker, that selfish, selfish man, wanted to take his life. Not only his own life but anyone else who got in his way. Even if that was a mother of 3, and 4 little ones. 

Sirens chased after him, his  speed accelerating  . He swerved head on into her lane. Chased her every move: right, left, right. 

He got what he wanted. 

But the Protector was with her and his precious little children. He held their hands, covered them with his mighty arms of love and protection from the Evil One. 

"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one."  2 Thessalonians 3:3

She took all the impact, battering her body. Her feet would be crushed, her back would be broken, her ribs would be cracked, body bruised, and her mind would be enveloped with fear and heartache. 

Days spent in ICU, weeks in a hospital bed and wheelchair, months spent in pain and a year of turmoil, because of his choices that day. 

I wish I could have shown him Jesus. I wish I showed him there was something to live for. I wish I could  have shown him Christ's love. I wish I could tell him there is someone who loves him besides all that he is and was. I wish. 

I'm not angry at him. And though he knew what he was doing, it wasn't his fault that he hadn't been shown the love of Christ. I wish someone any one, would have reached out to him and told him that Christ died for HIM. Thats his sins were washed clean. And maybe then he wouldn't have hurt her. 

In the end, God knew every inch of this situation. He had control. He protected my Mother, Eve, Grace, Anthony and Luc. This was just a part of their life plan. God's way of molding them into the person they will be. 

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'"  Jeremiah 29:1

Being a year to date, it doesn't hurt any less. Not that I expected it to. I think about if I did loose my mom that day. What would I do with out her loving hugs, her laugh, her smile, her jokes, her open heart. I thank the Protector everyday for my Mom. Mom, I might not always show you or prove it, but I love you with all I am. You are my rock, my hero and everything I need in my life. I love you so much. Thank you God, for watching over my precious mother that day. I need her in my life. 

Smiling through the pain.

Pure happiness.
Surprise Visit from my Grandpa. 
Mom you have shown me incredible strength this year. You have shown every one hope, love and perseverance . Stay strong today. I wish I could have been there today to rejoice with you. I know Jack, Chloe and Dad took care of surprising you today. I love you.

Until Next Time,



  1. Great post Jasmine.

  2. POWERFUL! Thank you sweetie for saying it so well. I'm blessed to be surrounded by amazing women. Love you girl! -- Daddy
