
Pretty Painters.

Day two here of the impromptu playroom redecorating and I say its going pretty dang well. I was a little concerned that I was going to be swamped in painting for the rest of the weekend, but thanks to my gracious and most wonderful roommate (who is in town visiting) things went over extremely smooth! 
My mom insisted that I let Jack and Chloe help whether that was letting them paint a square foot of the wall or filling the paint trays. It wasn't going half bad, but there were certainly too many cooks in the kitchen. (Hailey's snark comment to follow: "But we aren't in a kitchen Jasmine.") 

Clearly, we paint in style, because I am wearing like 4 different patterns/colors. 

In a little under 5 hours we painted the huge room. 8 coats of paint total, including all the baseboards. I'd say for two college girls with minimal painting experience we were on a roll. Wanna hire us? ;)

Here are some crappy photos of what we got done today. 

The room is mostly put together now, but I was too lazy to walk back upstairs after my dad finished putting the cabinets up to get a picture. LOL. Tomorrow, I'm hopping to finish the red stripe and place the final touches on what we have planned so far. Even after that though, the room still has a while to go until being complete. 

Sidenotes though! 

Hailey and I decided that when we come into each other's  lives that the universe just can't handle it and super weird stuff starts happening. Like us talking about the UPS guy who was driving by ( who didn't freaking bring my book that I ordered AGAIN) and then out of no where the street sign falls over. We seriously almost peed ourselves. 

Or running over Jack's mini skateboard and getting stuck on the driveway. 

This probably all happens because Hailey and I are the type of people who go to McDonald's in our sweatpants and sports bras covered in paint, no shoes on and get a McFlurry but on the way stop to touch fluffy plants on the side of the road.. 

I think people seriously worry about us sometimes. 
I love us. Even if we do take really unflattering pictures. 

Until Next Time,
Pretty Painters. 

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