
Is That Your Final Answer?

You make thousands of choices everyday. From the time you get out of bed ( or choose to sleep another 15 minutes) to the time you say your head back down, you have made for choices than the number of American Idol seasons ( it's really never end, is it?). You choose to wear sweats or dress up. You choose to do the dishes or let them sit. You choose to write your essay or sit on Facebook for 2 hours. You make choice after choice after choice, sometimes without even considering repercussions.

Not every choice you make can be as simple as what to eat for breakfast. There are choices you need to make that you dwell on for days, months, years at a time, without a clear understanding of what you should ultimately choose. Choices that can lead to heartache, turmoil, the ruining of friendships, relationships, family ties.

We make bad choices. We make good choices. We make choices that require more choices to be made.

Where to go to college? What to study? Who to marry? When to start a family? What career path you want? Where to live? When to buy a house?

Who, what, where, when? Everyday, all day, for the rest of your life.

I've been thinking about choices I have made recently: Ones that have been brilliant and worth every second of decision making and ones that have broken others hearts and my own.

Sometimes when you make choices, they hurt. And because they hurt you don't want to have to choose that option whether is is the best option for you in the end. You worry about regret later on, how others will react, how you will feel after, and ultimately whether it is the choice God wanted you to make.

The nice thing about God though, is that He gave you free will for a reason. He isn't a puppet master controlling your every choice. Of course, He hopes you will follow down the straight and narrow path he has laid out for you, but God will never forsake you because you made a wrong choice.

God is not asking, "Is that your final answer?"

You may go through your life making choices that you want to take back. Some that you cant change even if you tried with all your might. But God will never turn his back on you, even if you choose a life far from Christ like.

Just because you used your free will to please yourself does not mean God has given up on the idea of you, His child, being His again. He will never take the chance to be one with Him away from you. Life without God does not have to be your final answer, a choice set in stone.

God likes choices. He loves when you choose to spend time with Him, when you choose to walk in the light. He love that even though you have the free will to choose to do anything that you want, that you choose to be with Him not that he forced you into it.

Just something to ponder.


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