
The Calling.

When I was younger I wanted to be a actress or a dancer or a teacher. Maybe all of them put together. As I got older I realized that I would never be a actress, and I couldn't be a dancer. I felt I would be a good teacher because of my love for kids and my creativity. Up until my Junior year of high school, I was pretty convinced that I would be going to school for and English major and minor in Photography and with that eventually become a teacher. But all along the way, I never in a million years thought I would become a Pastry Chef.

It's not that baking wasn't something I loved and cherished, I guess I just never realized that I could have that as a career. I feel like I have loved baking forever, but never really realized it. I had been baking with my mom since forever, I would film cooking shows with my neighbors, bake brownies with out recipes, and later on even sell cakes to friends and family.

I wasn't until I was accidentally placed in a cooking class at school my Junior year, that I realized how much I enjoyed being in the kitchen. Through that class and Mrs. Bergman I learned about Johnson and Wales. They even had a school in Denver, my top choice for where I wanted to attend college.

Still threw it aside believing that I had to go to school for something "real." That is until, my Aunt Tammy and I were discussing college one day as I flipped through on of my favorite cookbooks. I told her that I wasn't feeling confident about going as an English major and I still had no clue where I wanted to go. She asked me what my passions were. Dancing, writing, kids, and baking. And as I flipped through the cookbook I realized that I could go to school to be a baker, in Denver, and do something I really love.

It's funny how God works, because soon after I applied to JWU ( the only school I applied for) I received a letter back congratulating me on being accepted and not to worry because I qualified for 7,000 dollars in scholarships. It's almost like He was saying, "OK Jasmine, go do what you love for way cheaper than usual!"

There are some days were I have doubted my own passion, talent and career choice. They are rare days, but they happen. I struggle through a day of labs, wondering why I am even here, how am I going to make it in this dog-eat-dog industry, do I really want this?

But God has a way of pulling me away from my doubtfulness. He is teaching me to trust Him, and make me remember that He worked this out for me so that I don't have to worry. All I have to do it work hard, be passionate and put all my heart into each and every pastry, cake, cookie and dessert that I create.

Since I have began my internship my passion for baking has multiplied into something that can't
 be contained. I wake up refreshed each morning at 3:30am, because I know I get to go to work, and do what I love. How many people just absolutely LOVE their job? Not many.
I go into work and work my backside off but still get to enjoy the smells of chocolate, cake batter, almonds, and cinnamon rolls. That's they way God intended work to be.

My passion is finally being witnessed as my boss and co-workers constantly tell me how talented I am. How they are extremely impressed with my work ethic, efficiency, professionalism, and most of all how great my products look. Even to the point where they are considering hiring me after the internship.

I almost cry every time I think of their complements. They truly do not know how much they mean to me. I struggled so long wondering where I am supposed to be in the world, who I am supposed to become and how to make a bright future for myself. God, being the wonderful God He is, knows just how to confirm my passion and talent. He reminds me everyday, even just with little things that my God given talent is to bake. To fill people with sweet goodness the form of pastries.

Some days, like today I am far from doubtfulness yet consumed with a pure happiness that God allowed me to be where I am. And you know what, I'm glad I listened when he called, because this is my calling.

Until Next Time,

Chef (almost) Jasmine

1 comment:

  1. You go girl...let your passion run wild. Remember, it's not work you you love doing it!
