
Super Sonic

Busy, busy, busy. My life seems like it has been going a million miles an hour for this whole summer. The summer is almost over and I feels like just yesterday I was packing up to come here. It's so strange that it has gone by this fast, because summer has always felt like eternity for me. But you aren't gonna catch me complaining about it, cause Denver is calling my name. I'm homesick for my second home.

My day started before the sun today. I was babysitting for a family I adore and that I nannied for a few summers ago. 7am I showed up to their house less than bright eyed and bushy tailed, practically still asleep.  The kids were out cold still and so I decided to close my eyes for a second. Well a second turned into 2 hours, but I found myself waking up anytime the kids would stir. By 9:30 the kids were still sleeping and I figured I should get them up. I made them a breakfast of champions too. Some good ol eggs and bacon:)


We chilled and watched some TMNT. It was my first time and I must admit I'm in love. I seriously want to see if they have it on netflix and watch all of them. 

Onto our picnic lunch. We colored cute little bags and I had the kids make their own lunch for later. 

I knew I wanted to get them out of the house to avoid them getting bored and watching tv so off to the water park we went! I wish I would have brought my suit; it all looked so refreshing! 

We came home and like mean/good babysitter I gave them some worksheets, which surprisingly they did with our complaint! And then a little art project. They worked so diligently on carefully painting their August calendars. I was amazed at their details! 

Lastly we played a few games. 
First a money game: you try and rack up exactly one dollar before everyone else by rolling a dice to see what coin you get. Once again, i was surprised at how big of a hit that was! 

Last but not least the super sonic catapult! I made this on a whim last night and it was A.MAZ.ING. The kids loved trying to shoot the paper balls onto the paper plate targets. The catapult was made out of a box, a clothespin, a sample cup, and a popsicle stick. Literally the cheapest/most amazing babysitting savior ever. 

After work we all went to chipolte to give frenchy a taste of one of my personal favorites. I think he was overwhelmed by the size, cause he just kept looking at it with big eyes LOL

I caught Chloe eating a lemon too. She wasn't very happy with me. 

We ended the night walking around the mall. Frenchy was so sweet, he bought my dad a shirt and tie while he took Jack to the bathroom because "He works hard at his work." Melted my heart. 
And what is a Spoonemore Family outing with out a rukus somewhere. So we all put hats on and laughed as loud as we could in Sears. 

P.S. we begged Frenchy and my dad to do a song on Just Dance 2 and they kicked but. 

Until Next Time, 

Super Sonic Santina 

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