
Our Kind Of Love

*Written on the plane to Denver yesterday*

In my short life span I have loved many people. I love my Mom, Dad, Jack and Chloe. I love others in my family. I love God. I love my friends. I have loved a few boys too.

I’ve felt love from all those people and I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on what it means to love and be loved.  There is nothing better than to feel the warm fuzziness inside when you are told you are loved.

One thing I know is that I haven’t felt the type of love that a husband has for a wife and a wife for her husband. And when I see my parents together, I know that kinda love is something very, very special, especially when it has lasted through 20 years of marriage and 26 years of being together.

My parents have the most beautiful relationship and commitment to each other and today, they publicly proclaimed to continue the promise they made in front of a judge 20 years ago. Reciting those vows they said so many years ago.

Courtesy of Borel Photography

It was a beautiful ceremony that had me, and everyone else, sobbing the entire time. (Doesn’t help that I am a hopeless romantic.)

Courtesy of Borel Photography

Courtesy of Borel Photography

Courtesy of Borel Photography

Courtesy of Borel Photography

My Dad is a very talented poet, although he doesn’t share that with anyone but our family, and he wrote my Mom a touching prose. He couldn’t hold back tears, either could my Mom. My Mom wrote a beautiful promise to my Dad confirming her undying love for him.
Courtesy of Borel Photography

Courtesy of Borel Photography

Courtesy of Borel Photography

Courtesy of Borel Photography

I look like I am singing.. just praying tho:) 

I got the chance to say something to my parents too about how I can only pray for a marriage as wonderful as theirs. And how growing up surrounded by their love has molded me into who I am today.

Courtesy of Borel Photography

Every one needs at least one ugly crying picture..

So many of our great friends and family came out to support my parents. Not just because my parents made it this far but also because this may be the last time we ever see them again.

I know I’ve said it before but they are moving to Iowa in 2 weeks and the ceremony was our last hoorah.

It was so special in service at church to be invited on stage to be prayed for. People who I have grown up with. People who have supported my family through every single trial and tribulation in the last 10 years.

Courtesy of Borel Photography

Courtesy of Borel Photography

Looking out onto all those people who love me and my family so very much broke me down. I had not come to terms with not coming back to this place I know as home yet. I broke down and sobbed for the first time.

We spent the next few hours in fellowship with everyone at our little reception. Which I have to brag about my Mom and my decorations for second. Check out how cute this turned out. Oh and how in love my parents are..

Courtesy of Borel Photography

After it was all said in done, it was time for me to hop on a plane and go back to Denver. As I hugged my Mom goodbye, I lost it again and broke down sobbing.

That’s it here. This is no longer home. I may never see some of the people again. My safety net of church, friends, even my home for the past ten years will not be home any more. I didn’t want to have to leave. I wanted to spend those precious moments with my family.. I wanted to sleep in my room in my bed for one last night. I wanted to get the chance to cope with the fact that its not my reality anymore.

My Dad in his usual loving fashion immediately tried to change my flight so I could have one last night to be home. And even though it didn’t work out for me to stay, that’s ok.

As I sit on this plane back to my “home” I hold back tears.

I think of those people in Roseville that have molded me into the young woman I am now. And I just want to thank you from the very depths of my heart for every thing you have done for my family and I. You will never be forgotten. We will always love you like you have loved us. You have prepared us for this next chapter in our lives, and we couldn’t thank you more.

As easy as it can be to be loved it can be devastating to walk away from those who cherish you so deeply. But you know, its never goodbye, just until we meet again, whether that be later in life or in the golden streets of heaven.

Until Next Time, (wherever that may be),

Jasmine and the Spoonemore's 

Courtesy of Borel Photography


  1. I had to get away from all of you after we shot these photos, came home and cried tears of joy. We know God has a n amazing journey for all of us ahead, yours was first with school in Colorado now your dads job moving all of you closer and even your grandma and aunt moving out there too. It all Gods will. We will stay in touch over the internet, we'll never really be far away. Love you kiddo, you and your family.
    Randy & Laura Licht

  2. Seeing some of those pics, know this; If the decor weren't being handled by the venue, we'd definitely ask you to help with the decorations! Looks amazing.

    Change is a natural part of life, but it never feels natural. But it all continues in the best way. Things will happen in a manner you never thought possible, with an ease that makes it seem all the more unnatural. Yes, there will be rough spots, but the current of life will smooth it all out, just as water smooths the stone. And for what it is, I'm personally glad to have met you in your time at the Inverness, however short or lengthy it may be (or seem, haha). Always smiling. That's how I know you'll do well in everything. Even in this change.

    Peace, my friend. And godspeed.

  3. That was truly touching..nice pics and a great looking couple (man & wife).Well done to the happy family! Nice job Jasmine :-)

  4. So wonderfully touching Jasmine! I can only hope that my daughter can say the same things about her father and I when she is off on her own. We as parents try so hard to model what we want our kids to be and become. Your parents have done an exemplary job!
    I know you are sad to leave CA but know that you are not losing a "home" but gaining another! Jeff and I are so excited to have your parents and siblings (and you every once in a while) here in Iowa! We treasured your parent's friendship when we were in Colorado and look so forward to rekindling it here in Iowa! Jeff and I feel it is no mistake that they were placed here in our lives at this time and hope that you and your family will eventually feel the same. So WELCOME TO IOWA and know that you will always have a home here too!

  5. Thank you everyone for your kind words! I know my family and myself all appreciate everything you have done for us! And thank you for your continued love and support!
