
This, That and the Other Thing.

Oh boy do I have a lot to tell you. It's been the busiest/ greatest week of this summer and honestly it went by far to quickly. Jordan was in town visiting from Denver and Frenchy is still here so we had a house full! Ourr schedule seemed like it was none stop for 7 days straight, but naturally I carried my carmera everywhere we went capturing almost 700 photos!

There is a lot going on in this post, so bare with me.  I'm going to skip over Jack's Birthday Shindigs because he is having yet another party this weekend. So I will post all about all 3 of them Saturday.  I'm gonna break it down into chunks to hopefully make it a little more bearable. So Lights, Camera... Action!


Jordan came into town on Wednesday and was thrown right into our family's insane schedule of the week. Thursday afternoon we set our sights on Lake Tahoe with 3 other families.  We had an amazing time, making s'mores, relaxing in the hammock, playing games as a big group including "Moose, Moose" which got extremely rowdy. LOL. The first night is was insanely cold. I was like on the verge of freaking hypothermia, i swear.

The next day we all went down to the beach. THe water was freezing, but half us kids decided to swim anyways. I had the kids make me into a mermaid out of sand, and actually ended up looking like a beached whale. we ate sandwiches and sand too. All the families pitched in and rented us a Paddle Board. Audlts and kids alike had a blast with it, and even I tried it out and ended up looking like a blind person trying to navigate. By the end of the day we had skin so red it would make a tomato jealous. But I am now officially tan (and pealing), so it was all worth it. THe second night was just cold as the first possibly even worst. To say the least I didn't sleep more than 30 mintues with out waking to try to get warm. I think I spent the majority of the night grunting loudly and scramming about how cold it was, just to get my point across. Our last morning there was Jack's birthday so we headed out early so we could get home an celebrate. Here's the highlights.


Jordan had only been to San Fran once before and didn't really get to do anything. So I thought it would be fun to take him down there and do all the touristy stuff. We planned out everything and mapped out all of our trolley stops and whatnot. But did that work, not really. Note to self: get a map next time and don't think you know where you are because you wrote down a few directions.

After we parked in a super sketch Russian parking garage, we headed to Fishermans Wharf . Jordan got Clam Chowder, which he seriously would not shut up about for the rest of his time here; it was that good. Saw the Sea Lions, looked at Alcatraz, blah blah blah.

Anywho, we were having a blast. And frankly, we were really lucky for the first half of the trip. Example: We were standing at the end of a reallly long trolley line and all of the trolleys were full. The trolley worker yelled over to us " Hey you tourists. Get on." Naturally, we hopped on as fast as we could, leaving the line of yelling a furious people behind us. It was awesome.

In Chinatown, we told a shop lady about Johnson and Wales and now she is dead set in sending her son there. And some old guy took us into a bakery and gave us suggestions on what is the best there. Then he proceeded to take my .50 cents change and buy himself a roll. HAHA.

Here is where our luck ran out. We wanted to go to Union Square, well I had written down that we were supposed to get on the trolley on Hyde. Well we got to HYde and there was no trolley.. and the block after that, and the one after that one, and on and on and on. So we stop Jordan pull out his phone and is trying to figure out where we are.. and PLOP.
Thats right, a bird pooped.on.my.head.  There was not much more I could do but laugh, so thats what we did, We laughed.

After that we had better luck, ( like the old wives tale says, bird pooping on you is good luck.) We found  the trolley stop and headed  to Union where I saw a billboard of Tim Tebow and almost cried tears of joy.

At the end we got a Charicature of us. The guy was so nice, but he gave us really big noses in the picture. LOL


I have a lot more to say, but I falling asleep on my keys right now. I think I am boring myself to sleep, I hop im not killing you too! So lets just say this is a  "To be Continued..." blog.

Until Next Time,

Too Much To Write About - Tilly.

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