
Achey Feet

My feet really hurt tonight, like the kind where even when you prop them up they still hurt. Sometimes I feel like I am 90. Just take me to the nursing home already so people can bring me food and change my diaper. Scratch that, wetting myself doesn't sound pleasant. 

I worked all morning which is cool with me. I rather have a summer chalk full of activity than sit at home and get the couch potato chunk around the edges. ( Oh wait, too late. ) It's "Harry Potter" at work this week, which I'm confused by. I just don't understand how parents let their kids get that into it. Maybe it's just because my parents never allowed my to read/watch anything Harry Potter, but to me its just so dark. I don't want to sound like a Bible Thumper but Deuteronomy 18:10,11 says : " Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord..." By allowing your children to become obsessed with Harry Potter you are opening doors that should be left closed. You are placing them to be subject in a demonic realm. I would want my children to walk in the light, personally.  I watched as these children ran around casting spells on each other and I was truly disheartened. Is that what you want your children to believe in; that dark forces can help them make things better. I don't know how you feel about it, and I surely don't intend on offending you, but my heart aches to see a generation so caught up in dark forces. I want to be a light in this dark world, I wish others felt the same. 

On a lighter note, my mom wanted to go lazier tagging again. I swear she is like a 13 year old boy, cause anytime we are bored she's like "LAZER TAG!!" So we went with Frenchy, J&C and my neighbor Jayden.

And as usual I am dumb enough to wear all white.

We ended up all playing on a team together, and I would like to say that we kicked butt we didn't the other team won. BUT I did get the highest score out of both teams totaling to a whopping 3500. booyah.

On the way home we stopped at Whole Foods ( which I fell in love with immediately.. Ive never been there before) because we needed to pick up some groceries  cause Frenchy is making us a French meal. And I was SOOO surprised when I saw a wall full of these..

In the supermarket?! Awesome. 

Last thing, my mother has been going on and on and on and ON about this new bike she ordered. She keeps singing Queen's Bicycle Race. "I WANT TO RIDE MY BICYCLE, I WANT TO RIDE IT FASSST." That is all we have heard for 2 weeks now. FINALLY, today the bike came in the mail. My mother was overjoyed. Like giddy like a school girl or like the kid in Matilda who got to eat Trunchbull's chocolate cake. See for yourself.

"Watch out Roseville! I have the coolest bike ever!" 
(which happens to include her furry zebra print cup holder too. *eye roll*)

ANNND, I think that just about all the excitement I can handle for one day so Bon Soir. 

Until Next Time,
Embarrassed Daughter. 

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