

I've seriously been so lazy today and I am practically forcing myself to write this. I honestly rather be counting my change jar. However, I feel almost obligated to my readers ( is there even anyone out there?) and to myself to write this, because I always quit out about this far into a blog.  After a day of literally laying in bed for hours watching movie after movie I owe it to myself to do something productive.

 I have to back track though and catch up on yesterday's festivities... Back To The Future! ( Great movie.. actually any of the three movies, expect the Western one, that ones just dumb).

I helped one of my dearest friends today set up her fourth grade classroom for this year. I have known Mrs. B, as I call her, for 11 years now. I had just moved to California and Mrs. B was working on her teaching credentials . She worked in my third grade class as a student teacher and we began to develop a cool bond. The next year she was hired on as a fourth grade teacher and I was lucky enough to have her as a teacher. I would spend hours after school helping her in the classroom and she became my life's role model. To this day fourth grade was the best year of my life. She has influenced my life in ways im sure she doesn't even realize. That year she invited me to join the cheer team that she coached and saw some sort of potential in me, because she gave me a scholarship to the dance school she worked at. Mrs. B never had to do anything like that, she was simply my teacher. But she took me under her wing and gave me opportunities I could have never imagined. Sometimes I look back and thing about how if she would have never invited me to cheer with her, she would have never seen that I could dance, and if I would have never danced with her, I would have never discovered my natural God-given talent for dance, and I would have never ever been part of things like Turning Point, dance in high school, teach preschool dance and be able to bless everyone with my heart for dancing. And more than that, she taught me love, joy, and things like organization and what it meant to work hard. I don't think there is any way I could ever thank her enough other than through little things like helping her in her classroom like I did 10 years ago. I'm grateful that she has managed to stay in my life all these years, and now its even easier with my mom watching her two darling daughters.  I love you Mrs. B:) 

Here is our hard work.. (work in progress..) 
Finally got all the desks in place!

The library ( that took me forever)

After a long day at the office.. 

I took the french kids to a River Cats game! They don't have Baseball in France so the kids were seriously so amazed at EVERYTHING. Tino video taped like the whole time, not just the game but the people, the jumbo tron, the other team, and even a lady knitting. I even got Dip N' Dots. Pretty much the highlight of my life. Other than us getting lost there and back ( because we all know I have the sense of direction equivalent to a ferret) it was a great night!

Baseball hot dogs are the best!

Great Seats! 

Tino taping EVERYTHING

Princes Tino

Rainbow Ice. 'Nough said. 
We have a guest her in the house for a few days too.. Autumn's brother Zany! We are watching him for a friend and I love having him around. I think Autumn and him know they are siblings because they play with each other, he protects her, the lay together so on so forth. I wish I got a picture of his puppy eyes that he gives you, I swear he stares through your soul and makes you submit to him. LOL. 
Look at these darlings.. 

Until Next Time,

Dip 'N Dot Darla

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