

Boy, oh, boy was today a day. Not really like I did all that much, I just feel like it was a productive day? Maybe not really. Haha, I really don't know what I'm talking about. Back to my day. 

Jordan Markham and I decided to check out a new church today. We went to The Rock in downtown Roseville and it was really cool! I seriously wanted to take a picture of the stage, but I can only imagine the looks I would get if I whipped out my big ol camera. They even gave us a DVD, not that I'm gonna watch it but thats cool. 

The Rock just so happens to be next to  my most favorite coffee shop. I had been craving one of their divine Thai Lime Iced Teas ( which are purple!! so freaking cool.) I am generally just too lazy to drive all the way down there to get one. So I got a large hoping to satisfy my craving, which quite possibly just made it worst. I joked that next time I go I'm gonna buy 3 of them and put them in my fridge for later. 

So my day just kept getting better cause then the book I order and have been waiting for FINALLY came in the mail. 

Even since I heard Jaycee Lee Dugard was writing a book, I knew I wanted to read it. Once I had the money to order I did and it was worth every penny. "A Stolen Life" is a memoir on Jaycee's life after being kidnapped at 11 and held prisoner for 18 years later. All along being sexually abused and hiding in a backyard by Phillip Garrido. She ended up having two of his children. The story starts off extremely graphic and appalling really. The story continues on to show her ever growing strength and preserving through her captivity. I ended up becoming so tangled up in the booth that I read all 300 pages in 5 hours. I literally only put it down like twice. If you are daring enough and have an afternoon to spare, pick up this book. 

Tonight was the night we went to pick up our French Exchange Student. This is our third year hosting a student. It was something I suggested when I was in High School as something fun for us to do, which I regret every summer now. My mother has fallen in love with hosting exchange students. Anyways, I was not entirely thrilled to have another student just because it takes a lot of work on all of our parts to work around another person in the house. But I must admit, this kid is so cool. Like way cooler than any of the others. His name is Tino and he is from Marseille France. He is super easy going and has meshed with our family all ready. 
(Jack looks ridiculous in his "its all about me" boxers.) 

We all played Wii bowling and I almost kicked everybody's butts with a 182 and 6 strikes. But Jack some how beat me by 2 points. After he gave us all gifts. Jack and Chloe got TinTin Comic books (a popular  French comic character) Mom got soap and coffee biscuits and my dad got BBQ spices. He gave me a Paris Vogue, and I almost peed myself I was so excited. I also got some perfume, soap and a little bag! 

So maybe having a Frenchy wont be that bad after all! At least he's super chill! 

Until Next Time,

Slaughtering-the-French-Language Sarah 

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