
If life gives you lemons, screw lemonade and make cookies.

I had to say goodbye to Betsy today. My very best friend, who has stuck with me though everything, the one who supports whatever I choose to do with my life, and the one who is always up for sushi and coffee.   (Sometimes at the same time!)

B, because I know you are reading, I love you girl. You are the best friend a girl could ask for. You love me for me, you except and embrace my wild heart. Mostly, you listen when I need to whine, you listen when I have a dumb story to tell and you listen when my heart is broken. I am going to miss you so much these next few months but you have amazing plans for this year and for your future and I want you to live it up! 

For our goodbyes we chose to do something we both hold near and dear to our hearts. Baking. We couldn't think of a better way to spend our cast day together than covered in flour and boiling from the heat of the oven and 100+ weather. 

She got the cuter apron.. obviously. 
We talked about what we wanted to make and come to the conclution of a hybrid of Snickerdoodles and Lemon cookies! You know like they always say, " If life gives you lemons, screw lemonade and make cookies." Ok, so maybe I got that a little backwards..

So now I present to you the yummiest cookies that I've had all day... 

 Luscious Lemondoodles 

1/2 cup butter ( softened)
1 whole lemon zest ( finely chopped)
Lemon juice to preference 
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

1 whole lemon zest ( finely chopped)
3/4 cup sugar

Oven 375

In a mixing bowl beat butter until smooth on medium to high speed for thirty seconds. Beat in finely chopped lemon zest. Add 3/4 of the flour, 1 cup of sugar, cream of tartar, baking soda, egg, and vanilla and beat until mixed throughly. Beat in the remainder of flour. ( The dough should be the consistency of  soft play-dough). Cover and chill for 20 minutes.

While the dough is chilling combine the sugar and lemon zest and mix well. The sugar will become moist from the lemon oil. This combination will be used later to roll the raw dough in before baking. Warning: It smells absolutely DEVINE..

Using a cookie scoop ( medium) create dough balls. Roll the balls into to sugar/lemon combination. Place two inches apart on cookie sheet. Bake in a 375 oven for 10-11 minutes or until brown around edges. Cool and enjoy! 

Happy baking,

( yes, I really just signed it with my own name.) 


Adopted Son (Round Two)

I blame myself.

3 years ago my French teacher told me about foreign exchange students, and I made the mistake of telling my mother that I wanted one. From that year on we have had a French and Japanese student stay in our home. Most of the kids that stay with us are very cool and willing to do what ever my crazy family has planned. This weekend we had our Japanese student. Its only Friday night through Sunday morning very short but it is extremely hard to communicate. Most of the kids speak a total of 10 words in English. The language barrier is difficult to overcome and can make it difficult to do anything, really. This year was no different, but Shuki has been awesome. He speaks more English than most of them do. It really teaches us patience ( and him too), to talk slow and calm so he understands. It helps you simplify yourself.

This weekend we didn't have anything planned, which is seriously weird for my family, because we are non-stop ALWAYs. When we picked him up we took him to sushi. I would think that taking to Japanese person to sushi in America would be culture suicide but it wasn't bad! Sushi is expensive in Japan and it is a treat for them to eat it. He seemed to really enjoy it.

We played Uno, which Shu knew how to play! He kept giving me draw twos and stuff and making me lose. LOL.

Today we decided to take him Put Put Golfing. It was hotter than hades  out there today but it was so much fun! None of us, except my golfer dad, did very well but thats what made it fun! 

My dad cracking up at the fact that my mom is kicking the ball into the hole. 

We went to the mall for like a bijillion hours. We went to Jamba Juice and I wanted to test the whole Jamba Juice secret menu and ordered a White Gummie Bear smoothie and it was freaking that most amazing smoothie i've ever had there.  We stopped at ICing on the Cupcake on the way home and got my fave:) 

After dinner the most exciting thing happened. 

Warning this is not for the squeamish or people who like baby mice. 

My dad was feeding the chicken and rooster back by the chicken coop and a baby mouse ran by. The rooster headbutted the mouse, then pecked it to death! THHHHEEEN, picked it up and ran around the yard shaking it and walking around with it like a trophy! I grabbed my camera so fast.

Then Cora ( the rooster who we had to rename cory) pecked it for like 20 minutes. The End. Most exciting part of my day. 

We went bowling afterwards because it was just Mom, Dad, Shu and I for the night. I realized as I was taking pictures that this is the only time its ok to take that many pictures of someone butt. 

My mom teaching Shu how to bowl:) 

All in all, having the students isn't so bad. It gets us out of the house to do fun things and pulls us out of our comfort zone. But I'm glad its almost over, LOL.

Until Next Time, 

Bad Bowler Bella 


Bieber Fever

I am not denying that I saw the Justin Bieber movie the week it came out, or that I blast his songs in my car. But the Bieber epidemic, has gone a little overboard. In the past two days I have seen numerous exapmles of the ridiculousness of the JB craze.

A book, ok.. understandable. 

Perfume, not unusual, still weird.

But wait it gets weirder. 

Scented Dog Tags. You've got to be kidding me. 

And here, is the saddest excuse of a product ever. 

An Electric Toothbrush with Justin Bieber's face on it. 

Seriously.. SERIOUSLY?!

Anyways. I was so hungry today and I couldn't find anything I wanted. So I found a half a baguette, so pepperjack cheese and salmi and made this. 

It was mouthwatering. 

I just cut a few slices of the baguette and put the cheese on top and threw it under the broiler for a few minutes and voila!  I threw some salmi on top afterwards and had an amazing lunch. Its funny what you can make when you look around at what you've got! 

Until Next Time,

Chef Cellia 



Jack is a character. If you've ever met him you know. Even if you haven't met him, you probably know.  He is natural performer and thrives on being on stage or making someone laugh. Yesterday, he stole the show, at Harvest Community Church's Expressions performance. Although, we wasn't the main star in every act in the show anytime her was on stage he was electric. I wonder who he got that from *ahem* Just kidding.

Jackie played a detective in on scene and he was a smooth talking, smooth walking, crime solving fool. He had the crowd rollin' the whole time.

Here are a few photos. I was in a super crappy spot and therefore the pictures aren't much better.

Until Next Time, 

Ex-Superstar Siena