
Four Eyes

I got glasses this week...

OK, not real ones but shhh, I don't want any one to know the truth.

Hailey, Jordan and I had been talking about buying fake glasses for ourselves for a couple weeks now and for multiple reasons. 
        A. Hailey and I think boys look SO hot in glasses. ( not that this is a real reason of why we should    
              buy them but maybe more of a reason for JOrdan to.) 
        B. They make you look smarter ( not actually true, but we like to think so.) 
        C. We like to look nerdy contrary to popular demand. 
        D. We are always jealous that people can accessorize with glasses and we cant.

So the other day we were bored and so began our trek to find really cool fake glasses. We went to Walgreens where we found over priced, old people glasses, which was obviously not appealing to us. And so as brilliant as I alway am ;) I came up with an idea. Last time I was at the Dollar Tree, I saw super cute reading and fashion glasses for $1. 

When we arrived at DTree we found all the reading glasses. We were trying to stay away from the whole prescription thing though. And then we stumbled upon these "fashion glasses" cute little glasses with clear lenses. Luckily, there were three pairs left and they all fit each of our personalities! 

As usually, we also bought a bunch of other crap like we always do at DTree. There is just something about that place that makes you say, " Oh, well its only a dollar, so I'll get it too." 

When we got home we couldn't help in all our vanity not to take 29358729 pictures of ourselves in the glasses. 

Aren't we adorable. 

Oh so flattering 

I must say that life is pretty great right now. I'm loving school, no matter how overwhelmed it makes me feel. I'm loving my two best friends and their willingness for adventure. And I am so very blessed that God has lead me where I am now.

Until Next Time,



Just a lil' bragging.

 Jordan took me to Steve Snappin Dogs, my very favorite hot dog stand on Colfax. The first place we ever went together.

We went to a cute little park that he lives across the street from and we had a little picnic.

All of a sudden he pulled out his guitar and told me he wanted to play something for me.

He wrote a song for me. Just for me. It was so sweet, so adorable.

"Jasmine, will you be my girlfriend?"

Yes, please!


Yard Work, Dancing, Pirates, oh my..

Some days are good, some days are bad and some days are like to today and you know you will be talking about it for weeks. 

Hailey and I joined our church for a really cool neighborhood restoration project today. Denver Community Church (DDC) teamed up with a local organization, Extreme Community Makeover, to help people in the community get projects done around the outside of their house, that they normally couldn't get done on their own. Stuff like repainting, yard work and other more labor intensive projects. Hailey, a girl named Katherine and I worked on Mickie's house. 

She was taking care of her grandkids and didn't really have time to get to her dirt yard willed with weeds. I didn't get a picture of the before, but here is us working and the finish product. 

She was a very sweet lady and was so grateful for all of our hard work. I love the feeling of helping someone and feeling their pure gratitude. It just feels right. I wish everyone would feel that way because maybe then we would help each other more..

After our labor intensive morning, Hails, Jordan and I had plans to check out Boulder during the day, since last week we went on a whim at night. We happened to go on the perfect day because they were having a huge fall festival with bands, booths, and plenty of street perfumers. 

We started off at Crepes A La Cart, a chill little crepe shop that would pretty much whip up any thing you wanted. Our mouths were watering at the sight of our little treat.

We went down to Pearl St. and walked in and out of the shops. My two favorites were a book store and a kitchen store. Really, does that surprise you? LOL.

Bookstore, is an amazing 3 store book store with a bajillion books of every shape and kind. I bought a cook book called "Sweet!" Again.. does that surprise you. 

In my dream life, my whole kitchen would be filled with every item in, Peppercorn. Seriously, the three of us being Culinary students drooled at the sight of every cookbook, kitchen gadget and food item in this store. I mean look at all these cookbooks! I'm in baking-book heaven! 

And of corse we couldn't pass up the abundance of street performers.. Jugglers, wooden pipe instrument playing, 12 violinist, the drumming guy and the tight rope walker. 

We found some cook animal sculptures too!

And a Beatles Tribute band..

But finally, just as we are about to head out we stumble upon this OUTSTANDING, indie band named, Churchill. Seriously, they were crazy good. So good we stood there and watched their two hour show, bought their cd, Hails bought a shirt, met and talked with the band for like 15 minutes and Jordan got all their autographs. They will be famous one day. 

Excuse the crappy photo. 

But the real entertaining part of tonight was the wild old hippy-people dancing. Seriously there was some guy ( who was tripping on something, FOR SURE.) who had no shirt on and sparkly pants who was rocking back and forth to the music for two hours..

Then a man on roller skates who, had light up gloves. His name was Dennis we came to find out. He even got invited on stage..

Even a guy who SERIously looked like Numan from Seinfeld! He had this funky dance going on were he would like chicken walk or something! 

Thats him in the pink shirt..

There was a troupe of Pirates out tonight..

All I know is that you can be who you want to be in Boulder. if you wanna were a ballon hat you wear one, if you wanna dance like no ones watching dance, and if you wanna be a pirate, for god's sake just be one. I think i'll just stick with what i've got going for me though.. thanks anyways Boulder.

Until Next Time,



Roommate Soul Mate Theory

They always say you will know when you find your soul mate, and in my heart I know that’s true. Not only do I believe that to be true but even more so that you can find your roommate soul mate. It doesn’t require some hokey dating site or blind dates but a little something called destiny. By the grace of God, I found my one and only roommate soul mate.

By now I’m sure half of you have your eyebrows raised in confusion. But the other half of you, the half who has experienced this strange phenomenon, you know just how I feel.  I know this is borderline weird ( maybe past border line..)

This is her: my roommate soul mate.

Meet Hailey Sloan Goding.

Hails gets me just as much as I get her. We finish each other’s thoughts. We don’t even have to talk some times; we just look at each other and get it.  So when I told her I wanted to bring my mattress into the living room to eat cardboard pizza, play Sorry, and watch Superstar (Hailey had never seen it!), hesitation was 0%

And so it began…

First we made smoothies..

Then we pulled out our mattresses…

Then we pulled out an old classic. I had a coupon for Sorry, but we seriously had to go to like 5 stores to find it. Hails and I were livid that they changed up the board and the little pieces! Keep the classics classic, people!

Me beating her:)

Me winning;)

We chilled for the rest of the night watching Superstar and crashing right there in the middle of the room.

And this, my friends, is why in March when Hailey leaves JWU, I will be devastated. Yes, I will survive, but I know that I will miss my roommate soul mate, confidante, late night snacking friend, but most of all my best friend.

Until next time,
