
Magic Reappearing Act

No, I did forget about you faithful readers.  Yes, I have been non-stop busy since I arrived here in Denver. Excuses, excuses I tell myself when I play Zuma on Facebook for 30 minutes straight when I could be blogging. LOL.

So much has happened since I got to Denver. Each day has had a new agenda, new things to add to my never-ending to-do list, and a little bit less sleep. I think that I have slept a total of 9 hours in the past two days, which is certainly not enough sleep for me to survive on. I am a cranky one when I'm sleep deprived. It doesn't help that I have class at 6am. ( No, you didn't read that wrong). Today was my first day of waking up at 5am to get ready for class and I can proudly say, I did it with a cheerful heart. For any of you who really know me, this is quite a feat. I'm generally not the most pleasant person to associate with in the morning. But today, I put on my smiling face and put my butt to work in class.

It felt really great to be back in labs again. I started my Specialty Cakes lab today and I am going to really enjoy it. Chef Zack really know what he's doing, granted he has been doing it for like 30 some odd years. And I'm simply in love with the first part of my project for that class: plan your own wedding and design your wedding cake. Only because I have had my wedding planned since I was born practically and might even have a folder on my desk top called " Wedding Idea." Pathetic.

I hate to report that I don't really have many pictures for this week tho.. even though I have carried my camera everywhere with me. Doesn't make sense I know, I know. Look out for a dorm tour post later this week though!

Side note: I had a couple visitors to my dorm on Saturday, and they are like seriously my favorite people. The Woogs have know me since I was born and I just adore Aunt Lynette and Uncle Scott ( no relation to me tho..) and their sweet girls. They are my second family here in Denver:)  Megs ( the oldest) even helped me with the grueling task of hanging up all my clothes!

I snapped this photo of Makenna playing in the grass. I took my breath away the from amount of joy and youthfulness in her smile. The epitome  of childhood. 

Sometimes I don't want to grow up.

Back to the real world. 


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