

I've felt like a toddler these past few days, because for the first time in years I took naps. I am a strong believer in not napping because it makes me more tired, but today I totally zonked out. It might have been because I was up for class at 5am  or maybe because its freezing cold and raining here ( Eat your heart out Californians..) but either way it was much needed.  I am seriously sleep deprived though, so much so that for the first time in my life, I fell asleep in class. How could I not though! The lights were off for the Power Point lecture and it was 6am. Common now!

I'm feeling refreshed now and decided to clean the "house" for pictures of my little dorm tour. Keep in mind that we still have some furnishing to do, at least in our living room and that we have to work with what we have. But i'd say we are doing a pretty swell job of making this our home, even if it is a temporary one:) So drum roll please.. I now present Hailey and Jasmine's Super Cool Dorm Room That Even Has A Hall Which We Are Really Excited About Because We Have More Places To Walk To In Our Room Unlike Last Year Where We Just Could Walk To our Bathroom And Back Tour!

Our tiny little kitchen:)

Our food menu for  the week! ( I'll blog in detail about this later!)

Besty made us these awesome paintings which we found a place for again this year!

Living Room 

It's a little bare, but there will be a couch and dinner table in here soon!
(Excuse the mess.. we are under construction ;))
A mirror we got for .50cents at ARC! So Cute!

Some where to walk!
Small and Ugly, but gets the job done! 

My side:) 

Our make-shift utility closet. 

Hail's Side 

Perfect little notch for our tv! ( which isn't even plugged in yet..) 

So that is what we will call home for the next several months and I think it is going to be great:) 

I wish I had more to write about so I could continue to procrastinate on my homework, but that's all for today!

Happy Wednesday,


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