
Total Eclipse of the Heart

Here I am night number two in a hotel room, making it my humble abode. Eating all the mints from the cleaning lady and sticking all the free shampoos and conditioners in my bag. It's been a long 24 hours. My mom and I headed out at 5 on the dot last night and didn't make it to Elko until 11ish. Along entertaining ourselves with music and outlandish dance moves. Our play list consisted of: some random hip-hop crap, tons of Michael Jackson, too much 80's music and a karaoke bar status rendition of Total Eclipse of the Heart.

This morning we headed out at 8:30 groggy eyed and sleep deprived. I drove this morning and my mother was flipping out every 5 seconds about me tipping over the car... ( i drive this car everyday.. i think i know how to drive it.) Round two of music mash up led us into Utah where we giggled at this..

This is the kinda stuff you never see in California!

Got a picture even tho my Mom was going 75mph!

By the time we reached 9 hours in the car today, I was loosing my marbles. I looked over to my mom and said in a monotone voice, "When I do this, I can see my eyebrows." Before you judge me on the picture you are about to see, just think about how much you would be loosing your mind if you were in the car with your mother for 9 hours...
"When I do this, I can see my eyebrows." 

She literally laughed, and laughed, and belly laughed until she cried. And laughs each time she see this picture. 

We finally made it to Craig, Colorado. My parents grew up here and my Grandpa still lives here. Its just a little ol' polk town with a whole lot of nothing. 

My Grandpa has like a million spastic Jack Russels dogs. And although I am not crazy on posting a million dog pictures I'm gonna do it anyways. 

The run back and forth barking at the neighbors dogs. 

"Wahchu looking at?!"

"Com'on guys!"

A dogs life:) 
It was nice to visit with my Grandpa, Nancy and Connie:) 

Colorado Sunset:) 

Colorado, I'm back baby!


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