
The Season of Change

One of my favorite things to do is look back on old pictures, home videos, memorabilia etc. Its like reliving all those perfect moments and those not so perfect ones too. It throws you back in time and for just a moment you are back to how things used to be. Maybe it was to a simpler time, or a rough patch that changed who you are as a person today, but either way they are moments that you would never take back.

I was feeling incredible nostalgic today, all week actually. I had been thinking a lot about pulling out my old dance videos from high school and final dug them out of my closet. Hailey and Jordan so graciously watched them with me as I relived those moments on stage.

I REALLY miss dance. Being on stage. Performing. Finding my place up there and feeling that magical feeling when the crowd cheers for you and makes you feel known in this huge world. What happened to that? I want it back.

And as if the movies weren't enough, I pulled out my photo box. I had been meaning to since I got back to Denver because I bought a new photo organizer.

 I was amazed at how much I've changed all these years yet stayed the same. Change is a funny thing. Appearances change right and left, but as for myself I feel I have stayed true to who I am as a person all these years. As much as change is a healthy thing ( for the most part), I want to stay the same. It's not that I don't want to grow as a person, in my faith, as a student or anything for that matter, it's that I want to be who I am. I don't want to "change" because someone says that me singing in class is weird or that having morals is stupid and not the "cool thing." I am plenty comfortable who I am, and just because the world wants to change that or feels that they need to change doesn't mean I have to/ want to.

So today I guess I want to challenge you. Challenge you to resist the world's view of change. To be who you want to be, because YOU want to, not because some one else tells you to. To step out and freely be you, with no reservations. It's not a cup of tea. I'm warning you, but have faith and know that there is someone else out there who is being themselves too. You are never alone.

Until Next Time,



  1. Jazzy, mom and I were just chatting today about this subject and how you always stayed the course (your course that is). We are starting to see Chloe demonstrate the same charateristics ansd we are thankful that the Lord has help you along the way. ---love you girl!

  2. I hope Chloe continues down that path its the best way! Love you:)
