
Be Kind, Rewind.

Blogger, please forgive me for it has been 5 days since my last post.

This week has been pure insanity. I've been drowning in homework from this new Chef who thinks its ok to give you 3 projects that are all due on the same day 2 days before their due. So to say the least the last thing I was doing was my homework, blogging. I would tell you all about my Advanced Artisan Breads lab, but I was so miserable that throughout the entirely of that class that I don't even wanna waste my breath on it. But I will show you this really cool decorative bread wine holder I made!

(MOM! Look at the wine, your favorite!) 

And in the spirit of seeing Lion King 3D last week I also made Mufasa!

Now this is where I am going to be kind, and rewind my week for you because it was some what eventful (not really, denial). Forgive me while I jump all over the board here. It may look like what happens when you rewind a VHS so many times it gets all fuzzy and cuts in and out. Believe me, I know all about that... it happened to my copy of Cinderella back in the day. 

I was at Ross with Hailey (she was trying to find a interview shirt!) and I was wondering aimlessly throughout the store feeling obligated to buy something because there was money in my bank account and I really wanted something new, anything new. I stumbled upon these fabulous brown riding boots that I have wanted for like 2 years now. Boots that are normally $50- $80 were only $24 dollarssssssss. Needless to say, there was no hesitation in bringing them home. ( After I paid for them of course. ) 

The next day I found these replicas at Love Culture for $50. Destiny, I think so. 

Hails and I tried to work on homework at Starbucks, but just ended up talking to the workers for two hours. She looks like she's working, but she's really on Facebook.

Our neighbor likes to sing "True Colors" really loud and Hailey likes to sit on my deal and listen. 

Hails and I got up Saturday morning and helped our favorite TA Emily make some yummy Candy Corn Carmel Truffles and we made burnt gluten free cookies.. 

Brag alert: I have the best and most sweetest boyfriend evvaaa. I had told him that I needed to go grocery shopping Saturday night, right before I zonked out on my living room floor from feeling so sick. Apparently, he asked Hailey, who had been craving doughnuts for the past 2 years, if she wanted him to bring us doughnuts in the morning. Obviously she said yes. So we were expecting him to bring us doughnuts in the morning. Well when he arrived at our door 11am Sunday morning, his hands were full with ALL of our groceries, doughnuts AND a newspaper so I could  clip coupons. GASP:))
Our fridge is now full and our tummies were satisfied after we scarfed down all the Krispy Kreme! 
He's a keeper:) 

We are almost up to speed now.. promise. 

H, J and I are playing McDonald's Monopoly. Not that any of us really eat there anyways ( or have money to eat out in the first place), but we had two free medium fries so we decided to try our luck in Monopoly and not dying form the amount of grease being consumed. How do you think it went for us. 

Ben decided to make a boat out of popsicle sticks today. He was so concentrated. And Auggie taking a nap on Ari's Harry Potter book. 

LASTTT BUT NOT LEAST! Hailey started a blog. The Pursuit of Happiness 
I know I'm a trend setter, what can I say ;) Please check it out! She's crazy just like me and a quirky writer!

PHEW! That was a lot, thanks for hanging in there. 

Until next time,



  1. hahahaha love it. umm #1- I look like such a goob in the picture from starbucks. #2- I feel obligated to be annoying (what's new?) and correct you....Emily is a Fellow, Jasmine :) hahaha jk. and #3- I got 7 views from you passing on my blog! :) thanks mommy :)

  2. 1: bahahah, i told you not to smile!!
    2: i ALMOST put fellow, but i knew no one know what that is. so bah.
    3: wooohooo! hoopefullly more in the future!
