
It's Tea Season

I have never liked tea. I thought it was a bland and a drink that British old ladies drank and dipped their  crumpets in. Something changed last year though. All of a sudden I craved tea constantly even preferred it over hot chocolate. I'm still not the type to drink it straight or with out some exotic flavor; I still dump in the spoonful(s) of sugar or agave.  With the weather changing here in Denver it's time for me to brake out my tea. And in perfect timing Nutrition Society ( a club I am involved in here at JWU) was planning a tour to Celestial Seasonings. If you haven't heard of them, they are one of the biggest tea manufacturers in the world. Their one and only production site happens to be in Boulder about 30 minutes away.

Hailey and I, in our quest to become more involved in school, volunteered to make the posters advertising our trip. We made them look like teabags and tried to copy the Celestial Seasonings Logo.

..not sure what's happening here..

The tour is pretty cool, I had been once before last year and couldn't pass up going again. They give you packets of tea as your ticket into the tour and a free tea tasting before. They allow you to taste anything they sell. It's pretty cool!

Dress made from teabags!

The tour lasted about an hour. We were forced to wear these super stylist hair nets too.

They walked us though the whole process but we unfortunately couldn't take pictures inside the building. There is a room called the Mint Room that holds all the peppermint and spearmint. They have the room on lock down so the smell doesn't seep into the other teas. As so as you walk in your lungs are filled with the potent scent. It's awesome! And even though pictures are forbidden, we are rule brakers and Emily got a picture of Jordan and I in the Mint Room. 

At the end I bought like 5 boxes of tea! Yum!

Later that day, Jordan and I took a walk in the surrounding neighborhood and I snapped some pictures of Autumn. I am in love with these colors; they are so vibrant and alive. I think fall is my new favorite season.

Until Next Time,


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