
Fruit Ninja

I have something new and exciting to share today! I mean all of my posts are just soo exciting already, right? har har har. This post make post numero tres brought you my Pinterest inspirations. If you haven't figured it out yet, i'm utterly obsessed with Pinterest. For those of you who are not familiar with
Pinterest is it super awesome website. As they describe it: 
"Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests." 
It's perfect for people like me who have like ten billion bookmarks saved of ideas I like. This way it is all in one place organized and I can share it. Sounds like a dream to me! Only thing is you have to be invited to the website.. so you enter your email and they will send you a invitation to the site in a couple weeks. If you already have one you can follow me by clicking the button on the right side of the page! 

Anyways enough about that and lets get to the good stuff! 

Jordan likes to eat healthy. I do not. I struggle with choosing fruit and veggies over chips and Chipolte. I am kind of a picky eater, but more so, I don't like trying new foods. But after working on a project for my Nutrition class I realized I needed to change. 

For class I had to keep a food diary for a few days then place it into a program called ESHA. ESHA essentially breaks down all the foods your eating and tells you what nutrients, fats, carb, calories, protein, etc, etc, are in it. I had a disgraceful outcome. I was "malnourished" even though I was packing on the pounds. 

So in the hopes to change my malnutrition I am choosing to eat healthier, more colorful foods, smaller portions and work-out along with it. 

You are probably thinking how does this have anything to do with Pinterest.. Well in a search for a easy way to keep my healthy eating habits up I found this..

This lady from Big Red Kitchen blog, started making all her lunches and dinners for her and her family in mason jars. She would spend a couple hours on Sunday precooking all the meals for reheating later! Loving it! 

So of course I had to try it out. I don't like to spend a lot of time cooking after work or even making my lunch in the morning. So today I gathered up all the fruits and veggies and cut them all up for fruit jars, veggie jars, pasta jars and ready made salads. I felt like I was playing a real live version on that Fruit Ninja game.. which is throughly addicting.. don't even get me started on that! 
Here's what I ended up with! 

Fruit Salad Mix
All 4. One for each school day!

Simple Salad
Orange Juice/Honey/Red Wine vinaigrette
Grilled Chicken ( coming soon:))
I like this one for lunch or dinner.. I can just shake it up with the vinaigrette and eat!

Bell Pepper Pasta
Sauteed Yellow and Red Bell Pepper
seasoned with garlic and other stuff I found in my pantry!

I have a couple other snack packs and yougurt and granola for the mornings too.. 

When I was all done I stored all the left over fruit and veggies in the jars too to keep them fresh! Labled of course! 

Aren't they pretty! 

I'll have to keep you updated on how well they work for me.. I'm hoping they will be easy to grab and go for when Ill be in class all day! 

I would love to hear any ideas you have for other meals in a jar. Just leave a comment below to share!

Until Next Time,



  1. I really am surprised you didn't create "burrito in a jar". :)

  2. hahaha, dont worry.. I still make it to Chipotle at least one a week.
