
Dude, where's my blog?

So I realize that I have been totally MIA these past two weeks. I am just finally getting back in the swing of things from being on break. School work, community service, going to the gym, work and every other tedious item on my daily to-do list has been taking over my everyday and frankly I havent really had anything exciting to blog about not do I feel like blogging.

GASP! I did really jut say that. Blogger queen has been worn out. But I'm back but hardly better than ever.

This isn't going to be some clever blog about I have come home from work everyday this week covered in mud from playing basketball in the muddy back ally to please Ben and Ari or how Jordan, Hailey and I joined a tour group going school today just to pass time while we waited for brunch at the dinning hall, but rather a collection of pictures showing how lackluster these past two weeks have been.

Our late New Years photo!

Jordan surprised me with dance classes!  
Peanut Butter and Carrot snack jar!

BenBen and I during the Broncos Patriots game! 

Dip n' Dot snow! 

Scrubbing muddy shoe prints off the white carpet.. 

Air Ben!

Never-ending flipping of the emergency phone from upside down to right side up....

Lots of LIFE playing.. 

Jungle Quest with the boys. 

Jordan's juicy lamb burger, from Little H Burger! 

My thug roommate.

So as you can see, its been pretty mellow around here. I'm hopping with this next coming week that I will be so caught up on my homework that I will get to blog about my new diet and exercise plan! But we'll see..

Until Next Time ( which may or may not be a while),


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