
Something Sweet

As I tune out the screaming children, shuffling of those around me and the whimpering dog (yes there is a dog on this plane right now…) I am reflecting on this past trimester,(and how I should have eaten dinner before I boarded). It’s been a quick and fairly painless road. I scoffed as I typed that because this trimester has been the most difficult that I have had thus far.  Like I’ve talked about before I have had issues emotionally and just in general lately. But as I look back, I didn’t have it that bad. I have my school paid for,I have a job, a car, food, a roof over my head and loving friends and family. Do I need more than that?

I managed to scrape by with a B average this term, which I am not proud of. I know some students would pay a million bucks for a B average but I’m not like most. I am disappointed in myself, but sometimes you have to be content with how you life is going, even if that means sacrificing your GPA.  I’m coping, obviously, and I’m not too heartbroken.

Today marked the last day of my sophomore labs. I finished all the labs that looked amazingly daunting last year as a first year, and I feel like I learned a ton. Unlike many of my classmates this will not be my lab though. I have to make up Pies and Tarts this coming term from when I was really sick last year… yippie..  As much as I am dreading having 6 hours of academics, work then 6 more hours of labs in one day, I am excited to be that second year who knows what’s going on and is allowed to be a little bossy ;)

This last sophomore lab was Sugar Artistry. When I saw the second years from last year, I was so intimidated, thinking there is no way that I can make showpiece out of sugar! It seemed impossible. But as I walked through this class this year, it felt natural. I really enjoyed creating a piece from my own imagination and having creative reign over what my pieces outcome would be.

We were required to do two pieces; A pastillage swan and an aquatic  sugar show piece. Pastillage is a sugar dough that you cut out into shapes an allow to dry. Have you even eaten Neco Wafers? Well, those are the same thing, just colored and flavored! Our sugar show pieces were made from many different techniques, from pouring, pulling, blowing, and molded.

I broke down each piece so you could see an example of some techniques.

Pulled Sugar: Pulled sugar is exactly as its named. It is sugar that you heat under a heat lamp in a sugar box and pull. It’s known for its shininess and delicate look. If you couldn’t tell these are Seaweed:)

Blown Sugar: This in my opinion is one of the most difficult processes in sugars. The same sugar solution used for pulled sugar is used for blown. Once again, it is heated under a heat lamp and attached to a hand pump. It’s tricky because if the sugar is too hot or cold it will pop or crack. It took me about a bajillion times to get these three.

Eruption Sugar: This stuff is so cool! Its is a hot cured sugar solution that is colored and poured over ice. It has a mind of its own, but you get the best looking coral ever!

 Poured and Molded: These pieces are poured into molds that I created myself out of clay and then lined with tin foil. It uses the same hot colored cured sugar.

Poured Suagr in Granulated Sugar: This is the same concept as the other poured sugars, but it is poured onto granulated sugar and then covered with sugar until cooled!

Rock Sugar: This is a really cool technique that creates a realistic coral rock. Using the cured sugar, we force crystallization with some royal icing and it explodes and bubbles over into a foamy mess. This is what it looks like once dry.

Here are some poured bases..

I was trilled with my final product. I was the only one in class gutsy enough to attempt a double layered piece.  What do you think?

Chef liked it so much, he asked for to put it into the showcase..

My pastillage piece was far more simple. I chose to say with the classic white and basic styling.

Over all I was overjoyed with my final products and I really enjoyed working with sugar. Maybe that can be part of my future.

Now, I am on my way home. A well needed visit to see my family and friends and be back home for a while. I need to get grounded again and get back to my roots. I really hope being home sets me straight a little.  I’m looking forward to my comfy bed, petting Autumn, sweet hugs from Jack and Chloe, Mom making me laugh and my Daddy holding me in his arms.

Watch out Roseville… I’m back.

Until Next Time,


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