
Sick as a dog.

I've come down with a wicked bad cold. It was about time anyways because I have been healthy for too long. I mean who likes being healthy... not me of course.

I'm not sure if its the bipolar weather here, or my immune system saying, "Hey, I hate you." Either way, i've got the coughy, coldy, sniffly, sneeze, headache, throat achey, and runny nose blues. And in true Jasmine fashion was taking no medicine to subside the sympotoms. Jordan finally dragged me to the store to buy some cold meds and let me tell yah, Theraflu is my cold's BFF right now.

This is where its at. This stuff knocks you off your feet, or maybe better said back onto your feet. Although it is a God sent, the tissues are flying out of the box faster than Tickle Me Elmo's flew off the shelves when they first came out. 

I'm waiting for the "ewws" and "gross'" after seeing that picture. LOL I know you all wanted to see my dirty tissues, right ;) 

Other than the dog days over here, it snowed last night. More like there was a blizzard. Before I went to bed it was raining and when I woke up at 1:30am (totally random), the parking lot looked like God tipped over a can of white paint. It's really making me anxious for Christmas, that's all I know.

Dosen't this looks like a Christmas card or something!
Anyways, sleep is much needed as I finish up my last day of class tomorrow and complete my practical. Stay tuned for my end of class wrap up blog tomorrow!

Until Next Time,



  1. Great photo Jasmine Kincade. Get better soon sweetie!

  2. hahahha, i was thinking that same thing! Thanks Daddy!
