
Silver Plater / Artsy Fartsy

These past few weeks have been rough weeks. I've been struggling with school, work and being very homesick. It hasn't helped that I came down with a nasty cold this week either.

As I wrapped up my last day of Plated Dessert lab yesterday I was feeling confident that I would do well on my practical. Throughout class I was quick, organized and had a clean workspace as I always do. I finished all my products for plating and finished plating my dessert still feeling confident that I would earn an A because of the quality of the work. Confidence must be deceiving because I only got a 81% on my practical. That's like an F. Only to crush me more, Chef practically called me illiterate and told me to get a tutor because I am a poor writer... and then gave me a C- on a project I worked very hard on. You win some, you lose some I guess. In the end I received a B in the class, which I am moderately content with.

Each day in class, we produced a main item, sauce, crunch item, and some garnishes. We had to plate them elegantly. Sometimes I succeeded and they looked great and some not so much. I definitely made progress through the class though!
Day 1 
Main: Chocolate Molten Cake
Sauce: Creme Anglaise
Crunch: Tulie Cookie
Garnish: Whipped Cream and Raspberries

Day 2
Main: Apple Cider Poached Pear
Sauce: Apple Cider Reduction
Crunch:Brandy Snap Cup
Garnish: Cranberry Compote, Whipped Cream, Filigree

Day 3
Main: Cheese Cake and Mango Sorbet
Crunch:Chocolate Transfer Sheet 
Garnish:Chocolate piping and Raspberries 

Day 4
Main: Blackberry Chocolate Enterment 
Sauce:Blackberry and Chocolate 
Garnish: Blackberries, Whipped Cream, filigree

Day 5
Main:Sample Plater: Napoleon, Vu la Vont filled with Sabayon, Raspberry Sorbet
Sauce: Strawberry
Crunch: Brandy Snap 
Garnish: Fruit chip, Whipped Cream

Day 6 
Main: Cinnamon Bourbon Ice Cream 
Sauce: Caramel and Chocolate
Crunch: Almond Lace Cookie
Garnish: Whipped Cream, Almonds

Day 7 ( Final) 
Main: Chocolate Hazelnut Entrement and Raspberry Sorbet
Sauce: Raspberry 
Crunch: Almond Lace, Chocolate Band, Chopped Hazelnuts, Isomalt
Garnish:Chocolate piping, sugared Raspberries

After a longggg week in class Jordan and I both needed to get out of school week rut. We had talked about finding some things to do around Denver instead of sitting around the house. So today I planned a surprise date to the Denver Art Museum. We both had been wanting to go and so I picked up him up and off we went. It was driving him nuts not knowing where we were going but he waited patiently to find out. 

Tickets were reasonable and we splurged a few extra dollars to go into the Xu Beihong: Pioneer of Modern Chinese Painting exhibition (sounds intense huh?!), a visiting exhibit with stunning works of Chinese art.  In all the museum was a-ma-zing. The architecture of the building itself is a work of art. They had art for every taste and type, style and shape and even activities to interest kids. As a matter of fact, while we were there, there were 5 or 6 groups of kids going on a tour! Some of the art was weird, some of it was cool and some of it was beautiful examples of ancient art.  We loved all of it. And I fully intend on going back again! Here are a few of my favorite shots of today..

This is a window looking out on Denver! You can see ALL of the Rockies!

Afterwards, I took Jordan across the street to the 7 story Denver Library where we ate our Pb&Js I made for us:) It was a super fun date in the end:) 

Tonight I headed over to the Ladies Basketball game at school with Hails and Emily to show my JWU pride ( haha, hardly..) Us Wildcats are a rowdy bunch. The Lady Wildcats beat JWU Miami campus 97 to 47! You go girlsss! 

Until Next Time,


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