

I think its kinda dumb that we feel it only necessary to be thankful on Thanksgiving. Shouldn't we be grateful everyday. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here, but we all need to be reminded, myself included. What happened to being content with everything we have everyday, instead of compensation for a year's worth of thankfulness at the Thanksgiving dinner table? 

For the first time every this year, we didn't talk about what we were thankful for at dinner. It caught me off guard, and it left me feeling discontent. As I laid in bed last night, I wondered how we had missed that tradition this year and it made me sad that I didn't get to share my thankfulness with my family. But it got me thinking that maybe I should start sharing that with them everyday. What is the significance of only sharing life's little blessings on the 4th Thursday in November? 

I don't think that's right. So I checked the Bible to make sure. 

"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 
1 Thessalonians 5:18 

"That my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever."
Psalm 30:12

"Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Ephesians 5:20

To my surprise the phrase "only give thanks on Thanksgiving day" was no where to be found.. Either was "only give thanks around a dinner table with turkey on it." Instead I found things like 'Be thankful in all circumstances' or 'Always giving thanks.' Not sometimes, not only on Thanksgiving day but 'always' and 'in all circumstances.' 

Why is this so hard for us? Because we are spoiled, self-absorbed humans who have little sense of selflessness or gratefulness; probably.. We need to remember to be thankful daily. I could go father to say: hourly, by the minute, by the second. Now does anyone really think they are going to think of something thing they are grateful for every second, of course not. But it's the mentality. If we strive to be thankful in every instance of our life, we will become more selfless, more grateful, more understanding, more open, and closer to a image of Christ himself. I know that's what I want. 

I thought a little deeper this year about what I'm grateful for. They aren't as broad as usual: family, friends, a house, food. It's the little tiny things that I am overwhelmed with thankfulness for, each and every day.  The things that might not matter to some people, but mean the world to me. 

I am thankful for random hugs from my little brother and sister. 

I am thankful for friends who don't give up on me. Who have stuck by my side through my tantrums, rants, nagging, flaking, rudeness, selfishness, and forgetfulness. 

I am thankful for chocolate.

I am thankful for my parents supporting me when I mess up. (Financially and mentally)

I am thankful for my job. How flexible it is, my pay, and my boss. 

I am thankful for hot running water. 

I am thankful for my freedom. That I live in a country where I can love my God openly and freely. I am a free person, who can vote and make my own choices.

I am thankful for free will. I am thankful that God has given me the choice to make my own decisions and mess up when I need to learn.

I am thankful that I get to go to college. That I can learn, because I want to. And that God has provided a way for me pay for it. 

I am thankful for my Daddy's hugs.

I am thankful for my Mom's loving words.

I am thankful for laughter. I am thankful for joy. 

I am thankful for my legs. That when I wake up in the morning I can walk, dance, jump, leap, tap dance and move. 

I am thankful for my eyes that I can see the beautiful creation around me.

I am thankful for the internet, cause with out it.. you wouldn't be reading this.. and a go on Facebook, or email, or pinterest, or... 

I am thankful for shoes and not just because they are cute. 

I am thankful for taste-buds.

I am thankful for love. That I can feel love, be loved,  love others and be love by God. 

I am thankful for warm blankies. 

I am thankful for the ability to give.

I am thankful for worship.

I am thankful for ovens. 

I am thankful  that my Mom is alive. And that the Lord saved her. 

I am thankful for cameras. So I can relive every happy and sad moment. 

I am thankful for every single person who has walked in and out of my life in the past 19 years. They have molded me into the person I am today. Whether they made a good or bad impact on my life, I am blessed to have them walk in my life. 

The list goes on and on. I challenge you each day, as I will be challenging myself, to give thanks to the God who provides all these things to you. You bless him with your praise and adoration, and he will bless you right back. 

Grateful as ever,



Whirlwind Weekend

Yea, I know it's Tuesday and that the weekend ended two days ago, but I've been going non-stop for days now. My family keeps me busy every time I come home, doesn't anyone get the word "vacation" around here! Just kidding, I don't mind... too much;) So here is a couple snippets to my whirlwind weekend.

-Chili's with Family and Mom's nannying girls; Gracie and Samantha
- Movie day with Jack and Chloe :)

- Baked awesome cookies
- TWO soccer games!  Jack rocked it out! But it was frreeeezzzinnngg!
- Finally got some Sushi! 

- Church 
- Coffee Sushi( again..) with Betsy!
- Thanksgiving Feast at Church! Chloe and I had a mean rendition of " Don't Stop Believing" in the Karaoke room. Jack entertained the crowd over and over again.. 

-I spent all day shopping for Christmas gift making supplies and finished 3 different gifts! 
- Went shopping for some sweet new duds with Chloe:) 

- Spent the morning decorating the Church for Christmas!
- Saw Breaking Dawn with Aunt Tammy! ( Awessssssommme)
- annndd much much more to come later today!

I will try to keep up with the rest of the festivities this week.. but no promises!

Happy eve eve of Thanksgiving!



Mama Spoon's Sugar Cookies

Every year my mom makes her famous sugar cookies. They are much different in texture and taste than most sugar cookies, with a pillowy like texture and an air light taste. My Dad cant seem to control himself when these cookies are around, and you will find him eating 4 or 5 at a time. My mom is devoted to this recipe and hates when I try to make 'other' sugar cookies. Her point was proven when the whole batch I made was gone 30 minutes later. They ate half the batch before I even iced them! Either way, with icing or not these light cookies will leave your family begging for more!

Sugar Cookie Cutouts 

Oven 375 

1/3 cup margarine or butter
1/3 shortening
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 egg
3/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon milk
1teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla 

Beat the margarine/butter and shortening on medium to high speed for 30 seconds. Add about half of the flour, the egg, sugar, milk, baking powder, vanilla and a pinch of salt. Beat until thoroughly combined. beat in remaining flour. Divided the dough in half. Cover; chill for 3 hours.

On a lightly floured surface, roll half the dough at a time to 1/8 inch thickness. Cut out into desired shapes. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 for 8-10 minutes or until slightly firm. Cool and ice. 

Royal Icing

1 part egg whites to 4 parts powdered sugar (i.e. 1 cup egg whites to 4 cups powdered sugar.)

Beat egg whites until frothy and the eggs loose the yellow color. With a whip attachment, whip the egg whites and powdered sugar until combined well. 

When using royal icing:
 -Do not refrigerate.
 -Keep covered with damp cloth or saran wrap on the surface. It will dry out. 
- you can color it any color.
- if you want to make a border, add more powdered sugar to the mixture. 
- If you want thinner run-on icing for inside the border, add water. (Just a little!)

I hope you enjoy and share these yummy cookies with your family this holiday season!

Until Next Time,



Something Sweet

As I tune out the screaming children, shuffling of those around me and the whimpering dog (yes there is a dog on this plane right now…) I am reflecting on this past trimester,(and how I should have eaten dinner before I boarded). It’s been a quick and fairly painless road. I scoffed as I typed that because this trimester has been the most difficult that I have had thus far.  Like I’ve talked about before I have had issues emotionally and just in general lately. But as I look back, I didn’t have it that bad. I have my school paid for,I have a job, a car, food, a roof over my head and loving friends and family. Do I need more than that?

I managed to scrape by with a B average this term, which I am not proud of. I know some students would pay a million bucks for a B average but I’m not like most. I am disappointed in myself, but sometimes you have to be content with how you life is going, even if that means sacrificing your GPA.  I’m coping, obviously, and I’m not too heartbroken.

Today marked the last day of my sophomore labs. I finished all the labs that looked amazingly daunting last year as a first year, and I feel like I learned a ton. Unlike many of my classmates this will not be my lab though. I have to make up Pies and Tarts this coming term from when I was really sick last year… yippie..  As much as I am dreading having 6 hours of academics, work then 6 more hours of labs in one day, I am excited to be that second year who knows what’s going on and is allowed to be a little bossy ;)

This last sophomore lab was Sugar Artistry. When I saw the second years from last year, I was so intimidated, thinking there is no way that I can make showpiece out of sugar! It seemed impossible. But as I walked through this class this year, it felt natural. I really enjoyed creating a piece from my own imagination and having creative reign over what my pieces outcome would be.

We were required to do two pieces; A pastillage swan and an aquatic  sugar show piece. Pastillage is a sugar dough that you cut out into shapes an allow to dry. Have you even eaten Neco Wafers? Well, those are the same thing, just colored and flavored! Our sugar show pieces were made from many different techniques, from pouring, pulling, blowing, and molded.

I broke down each piece so you could see an example of some techniques.

Pulled Sugar: Pulled sugar is exactly as its named. It is sugar that you heat under a heat lamp in a sugar box and pull. It’s known for its shininess and delicate look. If you couldn’t tell these are Seaweed:)

Blown Sugar: This in my opinion is one of the most difficult processes in sugars. The same sugar solution used for pulled sugar is used for blown. Once again, it is heated under a heat lamp and attached to a hand pump. It’s tricky because if the sugar is too hot or cold it will pop or crack. It took me about a bajillion times to get these three.

Eruption Sugar: This stuff is so cool! Its is a hot cured sugar solution that is colored and poured over ice. It has a mind of its own, but you get the best looking coral ever!

 Poured and Molded: These pieces are poured into molds that I created myself out of clay and then lined with tin foil. It uses the same hot colored cured sugar.

Poured Suagr in Granulated Sugar: This is the same concept as the other poured sugars, but it is poured onto granulated sugar and then covered with sugar until cooled!

Rock Sugar: This is a really cool technique that creates a realistic coral rock. Using the cured sugar, we force crystallization with some royal icing and it explodes and bubbles over into a foamy mess. This is what it looks like once dry.

Here are some poured bases..

I was trilled with my final product. I was the only one in class gutsy enough to attempt a double layered piece.  What do you think?

Chef liked it so much, he asked for to put it into the showcase..

My pastillage piece was far more simple. I chose to say with the classic white and basic styling.

Over all I was overjoyed with my final products and I really enjoyed working with sugar. Maybe that can be part of my future.

Now, I am on my way home. A well needed visit to see my family and friends and be back home for a while. I need to get grounded again and get back to my roots. I really hope being home sets me straight a little.  I’m looking forward to my comfy bed, petting Autumn, sweet hugs from Jack and Chloe, Mom making me laugh and my Daddy holding me in his arms.

Watch out Roseville… I’m back.

Until Next Time,



Starting Fresh

It's been one of those up and down weeks. I found out my car is going to cost more than double than what I though to repair. Thank God for my wonderful parents who so graciously helped me pay for it.

- - - -

In the spirit of starting fresh this week, I decided to change it up a bit. As you probably noticed,  (unless you are reading on your phone), Sweet Somethings has had a huge transformation. As an avid reader of other blogs, I am always envious of their adorable blog style. And so I found a new blog style that I felt worked perfectly! Sorry to all you Iphone, Blackberry fancy phone people, there is no mobile view for this template so you will have to go check it out on a computer!

Also! I dont know if you noticed but right over there---> there is a like button for Facebook! Like us on Facebook and notifications of a new blog will show up on your News Feed:)

Thank you faithful readers for all your support!

Until Next Time,



Have Mercy On Me

I'm not one to believe in luck or Karma or any of those theories that tell you what goes around comes around. On the contrary, I believe that everything happens for a reason and that God places struggles and triumphs in our lives. God isn't out to get us. He has a rhyme and reason for everything that happens in our lives. Ultimately, we have free will to make our own to make decisions, but our decisions, whether they be wrong or right, are never out of God's control.

Lately, God has presented me with a little bit of a storm.  I've been struggling tremendously with my emotions, my attitude and my faith. I have been more irritable that usually, letting everything irk me. I have been overly sensitive in the way I take people words and actions. I've been so negative about school, my relationships, work, and many other aspects of my life.  My optimism is at a all time low.

I feel like everything is going the wrong way. It's making me miserable. My mental checklist goes like this:

- Work: I cant handle these boys anymore. Their disrespectfulness has reached an all time high with me. Arguing my every decision relentlessly. Day in and day out, I work so hard to be the best nanny I can be for them. I cater to their every need. Take them to sports games, play practices, last minute Halloween costume shopping. I listen to their demands of a PB&J with not too much peanut butter and too much jelly on a toasted piece of cinnamon swirl bread and a cup of green tea with a spoonful and a half of sugar not stirred but swirled. Talk about high maintenance. Yes I know this is my job and I do get paid, but is this ok? Shouldn't their parents correct them when I tell them of the boys disobedience? 

- School: What am I doing? I feel worthless some days after class. I never feel that I am improving, rather, loosing my touch. I mean last year I got all A's and a B. This year I am struggling to maintain  a B average although I am working harder than ever. I wonder if this is what I am supposed to do with my life. I mean If i cant even get an A in a class how am I supposed to make it in the industry. I'm not confident in myself. 

- Faith: I have lost touch of God. That is never a good thing. I haven't picked up my bible since I got here when I was reading it everyday. And instead of reaching out to God everyday, I pray when I need something. Isn't that how it always is. I don't want that! I want to feel God's mighty hand on me. I need to get back into his presence. 

- Life: It's not going great. I'm upset all the time about little things. I am seriously homesick for the first time in my whole life. I cant get my emotions in check. I am hardly eating, not because I can't, because I'm not hungry. I have no motivation to go to the gym or leave bed if I don't need to. I have a flat tire or my car from running over a curb and I screwed up the axle. Tomorrow I find out if its going to be a $600 expense for me. I don't have that kind of money... at all. I am an unpleasant person to be around, and it's taking a toll on Jordie and Hails. I want to be myself again. I hate this funk that I'm caught in. I'm trapped, I want out of this box. 

I hope that isn't too bold to spill my life out to the world like that. Sometimes things like that have to happen. Something happened this week though. Sunday, my pastor spoke on Mark 10: 46-52. It is the story of Bartimaeus the blind man.

46 Then they came to Jericho. As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus (which means “son of Timaeus”), was sitting by the roadside begging. 47 When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” 48 Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
 49 Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.”
   So they called to the blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” 50 Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.
   51 “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him.
   The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.”
   52 “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road."

Pastor emphasized  that he said, "...have mercy on me!" Don't we all need a little mercy from the Lord? We are far from perfect people. We have times like I am having now, where you just need the mercy of the Lord to heal our broken hearts. 

Pastor had us repeat this prayer,

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, for I am a sinner."

There is something so pure about repenting that way and asking for a little help. Thats what he's there for, right? So this week, over and over and over I have repeated this prayer. Asking for the Lord to replenish my faith, to heal my hurting and lost heart, to help me see my life in a new way. For Him to help me see myself and my life as He sees it; beautiful.

It's working. Having faith always works, even when you've forgotten how to have it. I have a new perspective on everything today. My mental checklist looks a whole lot different.

Work: These boys are sweethearts. Their sweet smiles and laughter makes my day. Their 'thank yous' are heard loud and clear today. I'm so happy I have a job that is so flexible and provides the pay I need right now. I need to try my best to have patience with them.

School: This is hard work, but God didn't place me here for nothing. I need to be here because this is my passion. I am good a this. I need to remember that I am still learning and that I can get things wrong. It is only my first time. Chefs are there to help me, not hurt my ego or my feelings only for constructive criticism. 

Faith: It is becoming restored. Lord, you are showing mercy on me everyday even when I don't ask for it. I am renewed in spirit. I and urning for His word. 

Life: It's gonna get better. I'm in a storm, but there is always calm after the storm. I get to go home in EIGHT days! You can make it! Then you can be in the loving arms of your family and the reassuring comfort they provide. Eat food! You are hungry now, ( and for more than just food!) Your car will be ok. The Lord will provide all you need for your car and thats all you need to remember. Work on your  attitude toward everyone. It will make it better on you and most the people you love most. You are on the mend. You are being shown mercy every day. And you above all are utterly blessed. Do. Not. Forget. 

Until Next Time,



Silver Plater / Artsy Fartsy

These past few weeks have been rough weeks. I've been struggling with school, work and being very homesick. It hasn't helped that I came down with a nasty cold this week either.

As I wrapped up my last day of Plated Dessert lab yesterday I was feeling confident that I would do well on my practical. Throughout class I was quick, organized and had a clean workspace as I always do. I finished all my products for plating and finished plating my dessert still feeling confident that I would earn an A because of the quality of the work. Confidence must be deceiving because I only got a 81% on my practical. That's like an F. Only to crush me more, Chef practically called me illiterate and told me to get a tutor because I am a poor writer... and then gave me a C- on a project I worked very hard on. You win some, you lose some I guess. In the end I received a B in the class, which I am moderately content with.

Each day in class, we produced a main item, sauce, crunch item, and some garnishes. We had to plate them elegantly. Sometimes I succeeded and they looked great and some not so much. I definitely made progress through the class though!
Day 1 
Main: Chocolate Molten Cake
Sauce: Creme Anglaise
Crunch: Tulie Cookie
Garnish: Whipped Cream and Raspberries

Day 2
Main: Apple Cider Poached Pear
Sauce: Apple Cider Reduction
Crunch:Brandy Snap Cup
Garnish: Cranberry Compote, Whipped Cream, Filigree

Day 3
Main: Cheese Cake and Mango Sorbet
Crunch:Chocolate Transfer Sheet 
Garnish:Chocolate piping and Raspberries 

Day 4
Main: Blackberry Chocolate Enterment 
Sauce:Blackberry and Chocolate 
Garnish: Blackberries, Whipped Cream, filigree

Day 5
Main:Sample Plater: Napoleon, Vu la Vont filled with Sabayon, Raspberry Sorbet
Sauce: Strawberry
Crunch: Brandy Snap 
Garnish: Fruit chip, Whipped Cream

Day 6 
Main: Cinnamon Bourbon Ice Cream 
Sauce: Caramel and Chocolate
Crunch: Almond Lace Cookie
Garnish: Whipped Cream, Almonds

Day 7 ( Final) 
Main: Chocolate Hazelnut Entrement and Raspberry Sorbet
Sauce: Raspberry 
Crunch: Almond Lace, Chocolate Band, Chopped Hazelnuts, Isomalt
Garnish:Chocolate piping, sugared Raspberries

After a longggg week in class Jordan and I both needed to get out of school week rut. We had talked about finding some things to do around Denver instead of sitting around the house. So today I planned a surprise date to the Denver Art Museum. We both had been wanting to go and so I picked up him up and off we went. It was driving him nuts not knowing where we were going but he waited patiently to find out. 

Tickets were reasonable and we splurged a few extra dollars to go into the Xu Beihong: Pioneer of Modern Chinese Painting exhibition (sounds intense huh?!), a visiting exhibit with stunning works of Chinese art.  In all the museum was a-ma-zing. The architecture of the building itself is a work of art. They had art for every taste and type, style and shape and even activities to interest kids. As a matter of fact, while we were there, there were 5 or 6 groups of kids going on a tour! Some of the art was weird, some of it was cool and some of it was beautiful examples of ancient art.  We loved all of it. And I fully intend on going back again! Here are a few of my favorite shots of today..

This is a window looking out on Denver! You can see ALL of the Rockies!

Afterwards, I took Jordan across the street to the 7 story Denver Library where we ate our Pb&Js I made for us:) It was a super fun date in the end:) 

Tonight I headed over to the Ladies Basketball game at school with Hails and Emily to show my JWU pride ( haha, hardly..) Us Wildcats are a rowdy bunch. The Lady Wildcats beat JWU Miami campus 97 to 47! You go girlsss! 

Until Next Time,
