

Like I said a couple days ago, I crashed for the weekend with my good family friends the Woogs. I love spending time with them and how they always make me feel like one of the family. 

Yesterday, Mady ( who is 8 days younger than Chloe and looks just like her), wanted to learn how to longboard. So as a family we all went out to the back trails of Highlands Ranch so she could learn!

It was a super pretty trail and we ended up walking for over 2 hours. 

Mady and Megs both did amazing learning and were fearless headed down small hills even. 

I got a little fearless myself and went down a hill that was a little too steep. After too much speed wobble, I flew off and scuffed up my leg and shoulder pretty bad. But wiped myself up and got back on the board! 

After a long walk Megs made us a delicious Calzone and I made a chocolate mousse pie! 

I loved every moment with my second family and cant wait to make it back down here again this summer!

Thanks Woog's for everything!

Until Next Time,


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