
Churchill and not Winston.

Last year in Boulder Hailey, Jordan and I discovered this amazing band named Churchill (read about that here). That night we bough their first EP and their first CD too. They are awesome live so when Jordan told me they were coming to the Bluebird, I bought us tickets right away!

I had never been to a live show like this before so I was super excited! Even got the "X"s on the back of my hands haha.

There were two opening bands that weren't too bad: Rachel James and Pop Cult. But nothing compared on the show Churchill put on.

We were at the most perfect position in front of the stage and we freaking rocked out and sang along the whole time. They played an bunch of their new and older songs and even brought up a local youth choir to sing with them!

Churchill- We Used To Be Happy 

They were called back on stage for an encore, but it looked totally planned haha. Planned but awesome.. 

Check out Churchill's new EP The Change for some super chill music!



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