
Fresh Air.

Sometimes life goes so fast. It is like a road runner and you are the coyote. It throws a boulder on your head then speeds off scoffing at you while you are trying to keep up.

I am constantly feeling like the coyote trying to catch up to my own life. While I often have quiet moments in the evenings and my days off, they don't satisfy me. My mind is busy with work, internship, friendships and relationships, my family and a billion other things. My mind is never quiet. My mind is never relaxed. Not even when I am sleeping, considering I dream about pastries every night, and frankly it is turning into a nightmare.

There is so much going on that I wish I could write about but my mind is even to cluttered to write my thoughts and feelings out. That is until I went for a walk.

God created this Earth to echo Himself. Pure beauty.

I needed to allow myself to slow down and enjoy His creation to be able to clear my mind. So on Friday I took a walk to do one of my favorite things, take pictures. I used to go out and take pictures of God's beauty all the time. It is so therapeutic. But I lost that passion somewhere along the line, it got lost in the chaos of my mind.

I took my time. I stopped when I saw something I liked and kept walking when I didnt. Stopped and got a coffee, went to the library and just walked around Cherry Creek quietly, even in my mind.

For the first time in months, my mind was at peace. My body was a peace. And I was truly smitten by God's attention to detail.

Isaiah 55:12
“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” 


Until Next Time,

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