
The World's Thriftiest Supernanny

This may come off a slight conceded or a lack of humbleness, but I am a Supernanny. You know like that Tv show were the British nanny comes in and saves the household and makes the kids like perfect angels? I'm not gonna lie, I think im a pretty super nanny. Ben had his first Lacrosse game today, so I had the task of getting the boys home, giving them a snack getting their homework done and getting Ben ready for Laure. But nothing is ever that easy in that house...

(Don't get me wrong, i thrive on the chaos and stress of it all.)

The boys had eaten, done their homework even gotten there daily reading done. 5 o'clock rolls around and its time to get Ben ready. I send him upstairs to get all his gear together and get it on. But of course it couldn't be that simple. He couldn't find his shoulder pads. Alright, well lets look for them...
garage: no ( we looked 7 times.) under the bed: no closet: no, under the couch: no, the car: no, the pantry: no ( we were running out of places here.) the mountain high pill of crap: nope. nope nope no. Not like Ben was helping look either.

20 minutes later: Me: "Well, Ben you have to leave in 5 minutes looks like your not playing." Laure: "Well, we can looks some more..." Me: secret eye roll... " What about in the van.." Ben: Ohhh myyy goossssshhhh! ITS IN THERE!!"  Me: eye roll.. again.

And so I saved that day again, he got to go play at his game. So maybe I not the best nanny in the world but I sure did make Ben's day and managed to keep Laure's sanity in place.

Thriftiness on the other hand, I have a secret ( or not so secret) talent for. Hails and have been wanting some pieces to furnish our living room to make it more like a home. So we set out early Saturday morning ( more like 11:30am..) to find some steals. It has been freaking garage sale mania around here lately and I knew there were going to be like a billion and a half sales to stop at. Our first stop was my Laure's house though. She had offered to give me some chairs that she was gonna get ride of anyways.

Aren't these darling and free:)

Then we stopped at a few insignificant sales. But then! We found a block sale! We didn't really was anything at first until we stumbled upon a round iron patio table with a nice glass top. The little old lady wanted $25 for it.. which was out of our desired price range. We hummed and ha'ed about it for a few minutes and decided we should try our chairs with it. So we drug the chairs across the street to try it out and it was a match made in heaven. We snatched it up as fast as we could.

Both the chairs and the table were very dirty from being outside, so I had the genius idea to take them to the self car wash and power wash them. I wish I had pictures of this hilarity. But in the end, it worked like a charm. They are both good as new now!

 Here is the finished product of our "coffee shop" 
We put up my records from last year because they match perfectly with the colors! 
We moved Hailey's desk and out tv and stiff in anticipation of getting a couch some time! 

Our little Tv spot. So sad still..

Half of the room...

Its still bare and has a bit to go, but we love it! Hope you do to!

Until Next Time,


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