
Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!

TGIF, TGIF, TGIF. Thank. God Almighty. It's Friday. ( hehe, that rhymed.)

This week has been absolutely draining, to say the least. This whole waking up at 5am thing is really doing me harm, like in the mental way, because I am seriously loosing it. I doesn't help that other than nap time I have no down time. I'm being pulled every which way this week and its taking a toll. And though I am not naturally a procrastinator, I have not started my large project that is due Tuesday. I wanna spend what little free time I do have to lounge on FB, blog or hang with Jordan. ( Who I literally only get to see in the few hours in-between class and when we both have to work:( )  This weekend is gonna be a game of catch up: in the homework kinda way, the hang with Jordie kinda way but mostly the sleep kinda way. Cause sleep is important. LOL

I've been busy with work too. I don't mind though because I absolutely love my job. For those who don't know, I nanny for a family here in Denver. I watch ten year old twin boys, Ben and Ari. They are polar opposite. Ari reads constantly, he is thirsty for knowledge. He is currently reading A. Lincoln, an autobiography about Abe Lincoln and a New York Times Bestseller. Crazy kid. Ben is a sports fanatic and is currently into Lacrosse, but it changes everyday. They make me smile each and every day. We joke  around a lot, play games, and they even get a little sassy with me sometimes. But from the beginning I laid  down the law of how I work and what my rules are and they are generally obedient. Yesterday on the other hand, Ben was testing me. He made a burrito for snack. He took one bite and said he didn't like it and wanted a different burrito. Com'on child, there are children starving in Africa! So I told him no he can eat some more of it or eat some crackers and cheese. And what does he tell me...

" I'm gonna tell the newspaper about you!!"
" Yah, yah Ben, I'm sure they'll get a kick out of that."
" You are the meanest nanny."
 " Ya think so?"
 "Ya. I do"

10 minutes later Ben says to me..

" I decided that I will not eat another burrito and that I will listen to you. May I please have some Crackers."

So sweet:)

 My boss Laure, is just as amazing. She is so flexible with me schedule and has been a gem to work with. Today, she gave me my second pay raise this year and added gas money for each week. I am so blessed.

Ari reading the Denver Post on the Ipad 
After work yesterday I was so excited to get dressed up for a girl's night. My school held their annual Casino Night where you can dress up and play Roullette (where I spent all my fake money), Black Jack, Poker, or just dance. I went with some of my girlfriends that I haven't seen barely at all since I've been back. Although, I pooped out after and hour for the mentioned lack of sleep we still had a great time:)


"Taja looks like she's gonna punch someone!"

Kara and I

Pink chips! ( and a surprised look behind me...)

The girls:) 

Well thats all for tonight:) I gotta get ready for a date with my cutie:) 

Until Next Time,


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