
White (2 days until) Christmas

NO, I will not be having a white christmas this year. But I did celebrate an early Christmas in Denver were we just received 10 inches of that white, wet, and fluffy stuff.

It hadn't really felt like Christmas in Denver. Yes, I was buying gift, wrapping them and giving them away but something about this year didn't feel Christmasy. Maybe its because I wasn't with my family, or Hailey and I didn't have a tree but even Christmas music didn't feel enough like Christmas.

I needed some holiday cheer because I was becoming a "bah-hummbugger" so this weekend I headed over to my home away from home ( Jordan's house) and helped them pull together their decorations.. ( they were a litttle late this year.)

I got to make my first gingerbread house with Mikey:)

And help decorate their "Guam" themed Christmas tree too!

ANDD Jordan and I exchanged gifts and I almost shed a tear for the amount of beautiful baking supplies that I got. Jordan had carefully taken note of all the things I said I wanted from each cooking store we had gone in:) I got my first rolling pin, the exact style and design I wanted!!

I also got a Silpat, ramekins, and The Kitchen Bible!!


Yesterday was the last day of classes and I was supposed to fly home right after that. But I had a pleasant surprise when we received that 10 inches of snow and for the first time in two years JWU called a snow day! Jordan drove to schoool without checking the weather line so he ended up in our room at 6:30am. ( grr... so much for sleeping in). We got ready and braved the snow to get breakfast.

We headed to Capitol Hill to Jelly this amazing cute breakfast and lunch shop. 

They had all these vintage cereal boxes on the wall and cute fabric circles hanging from the celling. 

And they had DE-LIC-OUS hot chocolate!

Later that afternoon, I headed off to the airport in anticipation to see my family. And here I am home sweet home to celebrate a sunny-shine Christmas, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Until Next Time,


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