
"The Noise" and other stuff.

There is this noise. It will not go away. It woke us up bright and early this morning, 5 am to be exact. At first it sounded like our neighbors were attacking their spring mattress with a baseball bat, or just a dreadful case of the toss and turns. After 10 minutes, I was close to banging both fist up against the wall in a fit of fury, until we realized it was coming from the duct system. Which at that time, we though banging on the vent would shut whatever it is up, with no prevail. It hasn't ceased since this morning and I'm not quite sure what it is. But Hailey has a mouthful of theories..

"I think it is a wild pack of beavers in there!? They are just banging their frickn' tails in there. Why are there beavers here? They need to get away. I think they are try to build an underground tunnel. They are steal workers down there. Got their muscles out, got their pick-axes. Maybe they finally dug through China... The beavers are really going at it. The are hauling logs trying to build a shaft elevator! I can just picture them, hi, ho, hi, ho, I am a beaver. I'm gonna wake up these college kids up, hi, ho, hi, ho, hi. Shut up stupid beavers, I am going to rip your teeth out with your pliers. I think the lead beaver, he is so obese, is surveying  the work, and every time he turns his fat *** he smacks the vent. I'm gonna google this... Beaver Removal.. Perfect. Colorado beavers are busier as ever.. Beavers are not endangered species.. excellent, we can kill them. THAT IS PAPA BEAVER...
They are building it for him.. hey beavers, I know your in there, I know what you are doing, and I know what your leader looks like.. I think I made them angry.. Who let the beavers in, WHO WHO WHO, who let the beavers in WHO WHO WHO WHO. Maybe they have been planning resistance from the beginning, we built on their land. "

I can't make this up people.. this is really what my roommate it saying.

 My brain is on overload trying to focus with the "beaver pack" in the ducts and my neighbor who is presumably hacking up her lungs right now. This is the last thing I want after doing too much school work and too little sleep, dealing with a beaver resistance.

And why the other stuff I want to tell you is not anywhere as exciting as the beavers creating elevators, I promise to throw in an update at the end of each subject.

Saturday I went to my first ever Jiu Jitsu tournament. If you think that I was competing, you must not know me, although maybe I should take up jiu jitsu so I can beat off the vermin in the vent. Jordan was competing and I got to watch a bunch of guys roll around on a mat.. It was actually pretty cool though, despite I pretty much didn't know what was happening the whole time!

Look a my boy! Thats a beast face right there!

I spent a lot of time this weekend working on Christmas gifts, that I cant share yet, but here are a sneak peak at a few..
Lego Snow Globe for Ian 

Lego "find it" jar or Ian:) 

Gift tags made from paint chips! 

News flash: "The Beavers are now making a rock wall, because they were not happy with the zen garden they made, now they are piling up rocks to make stairs, and to annoy us.. actually just to annoy us. ACTUALLY, they are playing bocce ball, or maybe bowling not sure." Thank you Hailey. Back to you Jasmine. 

Lastly, I HAVE to tell you about the book(s), I stumbled upon. Have you heard of Hunger Games? You may have because its been on New York Times Bestseller list, USA Today Bestseller, Publisher's Weekly Best Book of the Year, Booklist Editor's Choice, New York Times Editor Choice and on and on and on.
I was skeptical to pick it up at first, cause it falls in the sci-fi section and thats not really my thing. But once I picked up this book, I literally could not put it down. Its based on a  an unidentified future time period after the destruction of North America. There are 12 districts which are very poor. To resist uprise from the poor districts the Capitol holds a Hunger Games, where a boy and girl ages 12-18 are drawn at random from each district to play in the games. In the games they have to kill off their opponents, and the last remaining tribute is the victor. Sounds gruesome, but I am so enthralled. I picked up the second book, Catching Fire, on Saturday, and despite my very busy schedule and loads of school work, I have managed to almost finish the book. Seriously, pick up this book, even if you are an old person( not that im try to discriminate against old people or anything;)). Seriously tho. 

Anyways, I have class in 7 hours and it is necessary for me to sleep now.. which will hardly be possible with all these beavers..

"They are moving Pianos. Sometimes people need a high-five in the face, with a chair...beavers."

Good Night to all,


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