
Adopted Son (Round Two)

I blame myself.

3 years ago my French teacher told me about foreign exchange students, and I made the mistake of telling my mother that I wanted one. From that year on we have had a French and Japanese student stay in our home. Most of the kids that stay with us are very cool and willing to do what ever my crazy family has planned. This weekend we had our Japanese student. Its only Friday night through Sunday morning very short but it is extremely hard to communicate. Most of the kids speak a total of 10 words in English. The language barrier is difficult to overcome and can make it difficult to do anything, really. This year was no different, but Shuki has been awesome. He speaks more English than most of them do. It really teaches us patience ( and him too), to talk slow and calm so he understands. It helps you simplify yourself.

This weekend we didn't have anything planned, which is seriously weird for my family, because we are non-stop ALWAYs. When we picked him up we took him to sushi. I would think that taking to Japanese person to sushi in America would be culture suicide but it wasn't bad! Sushi is expensive in Japan and it is a treat for them to eat it. He seemed to really enjoy it.

We played Uno, which Shu knew how to play! He kept giving me draw twos and stuff and making me lose. LOL.

Today we decided to take him Put Put Golfing. It was hotter than hades  out there today but it was so much fun! None of us, except my golfer dad, did very well but thats what made it fun! 

My dad cracking up at the fact that my mom is kicking the ball into the hole. 

We went to the mall for like a bijillion hours. We went to Jamba Juice and I wanted to test the whole Jamba Juice secret menu and ordered a White Gummie Bear smoothie and it was freaking that most amazing smoothie i've ever had there.  We stopped at ICing on the Cupcake on the way home and got my fave:) 

After dinner the most exciting thing happened. 

Warning this is not for the squeamish or people who like baby mice. 

My dad was feeding the chicken and rooster back by the chicken coop and a baby mouse ran by. The rooster headbutted the mouse, then pecked it to death! THHHHEEEN, picked it up and ran around the yard shaking it and walking around with it like a trophy! I grabbed my camera so fast.

Then Cora ( the rooster who we had to rename cory) pecked it for like 20 minutes. The End. Most exciting part of my day. 

We went bowling afterwards because it was just Mom, Dad, Shu and I for the night. I realized as I was taking pictures that this is the only time its ok to take that many pictures of someone butt. 

My mom teaching Shu how to bowl:) 

All in all, having the students isn't so bad. It gets us out of the house to do fun things and pulls us out of our comfort zone. But I'm glad its almost over, LOL.

Until Next Time, 

Bad Bowler Bella 

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