
Peachie, Peachie, Peachie.

I'm getting really horrible at this whole blog thing. I love Sweet Somethings very much along with all of my readers, who post after post, put up with my grammatical and spelling errors every other word. I would love to be one of those fantastic bloggers who is able to pump out a funny or informational blog day in and day out, but lets be realistic; my life is just not that exciting.

I have been home on spring break for 5 days now. The first two days here I slept a total of 25+ hours and laid around watching entire seasons of Toddlers and Tiaras  the rest of the time. I doubt you would enjoy recaps of how overly zealous mothers turn their three-year-old daughters into egocentric maniacs. Although, thats what I call grade-A entertainment!

Finally, things picked up today. I got myself out of bed at 7am, got ready for my big day with Jack. He was going on a field trip with his class to the Maidu Indian Museum, and they needed an extra chaperone.  Who is a cooler chaperone than a big sister home from college? No one!

I had never been to the Maidu Center before, but I know it is the hot spot for field trips considering Jack has been every year since Kindergarten.
Jack, Gabby, and some kid from Jack's class that chose to be in our photo..

Pretty much we were walked through the museum for the first hour by an older lady named Sally, who maybe wasn't the kid friendliest person, but knew everything there was to know about the Maidus. We couldn't take pictures during this part tho:(

Then she took us into an activity room and we made cool bracelets, played traditional Maidu games and even a little song and dance.

The song was kinda weird, talking about whales and rabbits and scat ( a.k.a poop). She just kept having us say "Peachie, Peachie, Peachie" which apparently meant poop. At that point half the kids decided they are never eating a peach again.

After lunch (which Jack made for us. He even put my name and little heart on my bag) we headed outside for an hour and a half tour. Too bad it was pouring rain and windy the whole time. It was still really cool to see all the artifacts left behind by the tribes. 

Where they would grind up seeds and nuts for food. 

Fishing grounds

We saw a white crane!
Towards the end we got to paint our face with some of the clay on the grounds. I was the only chaperone cool(brave) enough to paint up my face!

Even though it was rainy and too educational for an spring break outing, I wouldn't have traded it for the world. Jack whispered to me  three or four times that he loved me so much, and he was so happy I came with him. He just kept telling me how special he felt to have me there. 

I felt special being told that. 

Sometimes as a older sister, as in much older, its hard to find ways to stay connected with your siblings. With me living so far away, the only time I really have with them is while I am home, and even then its hard. Being able to go with him today is that special time that we had both been looking for and needing. I wish I had more times like today. They just don't happen enough. 

Being a big sissy and role model is a hard job, but my most favorite of all. 

Until Next Time,


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