
Garage Sale Queens

I've been going to garage sales for years and years. My mother is a master at garage sales and past down the knack for finding steals. Here in Denver there are like a billion garage sales every weekend  and if I ever have cash in my wallet (which is never the case), I stop and usually buy something.

Well today, I happened to have a little too much cash in my wallet and it was burning a hole, I tell you! So Katie Clark (one of my new rooommiiies) and I ventured out into the unknown,( ok, thats a lie cause we know Denver pretty well between the two of us), in search of some hardcore garage sales to feed our addictions.

Here's what the trunk looked like.

I realize this looks like a bunch of crap, but I assure you its all useful.. I think..

We ended up going to about 15 garage sales, maybe even more. We were those people driving really slow to see the address on the itty-bitty signs people put out. We both probably spent too much money, I know I did, but it was so worth the treasures we found. As they always say, " One man's trash is another man's treasure." 

In between it all, we stopped by the Cherry Creek Farmers market and picked up a huge locally grown watermelon, carrots, and hummus fresh from Boulder! 

We got home at about 12:30 after being out since 9am and dumped everything on the table..

Here's the breakdown of my treasures today.. 

#1 Pottery Barn glass cake stand with dome $20 

I am honestly flabbergasted that I got this for $20. She was asking $25 and after a short haggle went to $20. She said she only used it twice and it is in perfect condition. When I got home I looked it up to see the real worth. The cake plate alone was $50 and the dome $30. Thats a 75% discount! What a steal! I'm even gonna make my own birthday cake for next week to put in it!

#2 Antique white shelf with hooks $4

While shopping today I was trying keep in mind the fact that I will be moving into my apartment in 2 months. I already have a shabby chic look going with the bedding and the white rod iron bed frame I bought off of Craigslist ( I'll talk about this later this summer!). I saw this and knew it was mine! I plan to re-paint, it's a little banged up. Originally marked for $5, got it for $4!

#3 Knick-Knacks for Apartment $5 ($1 ea) 

Grabbed each of these for a buck. Love the porcelain teapot, colorful old books (in perfect condition) and brass necklace holder! Will be perfect for my shabby-chic look! 

#4 Vintage kitchen tools $3 

I thought these were cute little items to hang in the apartment kitchen considering both Hailey and I are baking and pastry students. We will see how it works out! 

#5 Way too much Baking crap. $6

Apparently, when you get into the baking world, you become obsessed. Every single baking item I saw today I think I bought, exceptions for crappy lame stuff. You can never have too many Pyrex pie tins, sheet pans, and casserole dishes. 

I had a thought of displaying them on a bookshelf with all my cookbooks in the apartment too. Its so sad that all the little dishes have to be put away. Why cant you showcase your most prized possessions.  

#6 Plate Holder $1 

I dont have any pretty plates to hang in here, mostly because we have plastic plates from target, but I had a thought about hanging it and using it as a cookbook holder. Nice thing is it wouldn't have to sit on the counter and take up space. We'll see how it works out tho.. 

#7 Scrabble $1

I like this game. So I bought it. 

#8 Wall Art FREE!

Anyone who hangs out with me enough knows that I sing this song constantly. So when I saw this I started singing. Then the lady came up to me and said have it for free and I was like "Ok..!" 
Maybe for the bathroom? Dont know yet! 

I didn't want all my cool new items to sit in a box till I moved so I worked them into my room design now. I think it turned out pretty darn cute!

What do you think!? I love it!

What kind of deals have you guys found at garage sales, flea markets, or thrift stores? 

Happy Hunting!


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