
Birthday Girl

I am officially 20 as of yesterday! Out of those teen years and well on my way into adulthood! I think its scaring my parents into thinking that they are getting old, which is scaring them even more into being hip.

I am super exhausted from the weekends festivities and being sick, ( I hate that I had to be sick on my birthday!), so I'm gonna keep it short and sweet!

Friday night I took on the task of making my own cake. The task couldn't have been that hard right? Well the Red Velvet cake didn't turn out, even though the recipe had rave reviews, but the icing was to die for. I chose a design I saw on Pinterest, of course, and add a little flare with a pink ombre!

I think it turned out super cute!

Saturday morning I woke up super early, not by choice but my body had other plans. I got ready and took myself on a shopping spree at Target. Spend wasy too much money but got some super cute new clothes! I went garage saling next and then got to Skype with the bestie@!

Later in the day I headed over to City Park and spend the day volunteering at the Chron's and Colitis Take Steps 5k fundraiser. Even though I am not connected to foundation I had an amazing time serving others on a day that should be about me! I think I am gonna serve on my birthday every year! 

At the end of the night we went over to a friends house and hung out for the rest of the night:) But there is a lack of pictures...

My birthday was amazing all in all and thank you to all who made it possible through your words or actions! 

This morning I hopped on a plane to my new home in Iowa. But more is to come on that tomorrow. 

Until Next Time,


P.S. Dont ever take NyQuil before typing a blog post. You might end up asleep on the keyboardsknfoghsodrgrahn... 

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