
Arg Ye Maties!

It's pirate week at work this week and the kids are sooo into it! Today I came in and half of them were running around with cute little pirate hats and telescopes. There is something about hats or dress up clothes that literally transport kids into an entirely new world and its truly brilliant to watch. I love watching their minds go wild with the idea of building a pirate ship out of all the soft blocks. Or when they attacked me while I was wearing a shark head, because I said I was a shark who was scared of pirates. The giggles that fill the room are pure and electric. You can't help but smile. I mean look at their ship, look at their faces. That is joy, imagination, and the epitome of childhood right there. 

We honestly had such a blast today. From making hooks for the kids to wear or even getting their face painted like a pirate. ( I was pretty dang proud of how well I did with this one!) 

It's safe to say that I love my job right now. Even when nameless child decides to wipe poop all over the wall in the bathroom after tearing whole roll of TP to shreds. Which I am still trying to figure out how in the world he tore it up that small. It's the hugs, the snuggles, the giggles and the smiles that keep me going even through traumatizing moments like cleaning poop off the wall. ( Which oddly enough, I don't think will be my last time!) 

I'm blessed to have each one of their shinning faces in my life, even if their fingers are covered in poop. 

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