
Man Cave

I'm generally pretty productive. I get stuff done when I need to and sometimes before I need to. But today I was productive on crack. I seriously got my butt kicked with the amount of work I got done, even after getting up at 10:30. I had to start by seriously scrubbing my skin raw to get the paint off from yesterday. I crashed last night before I got a chance to shower which left caked and dried paint up and down my legs and arms.

At work we have this huge storage room which frankly was a freaking disaster. You could barely see the floor and you couldn't find anything. Being as organized as I am, it secretly irked me beyond belief. My coworker, LaHoma also runs a separate business, See More Celebrations,( a really cool kids birthday party company) and had a lot of her supplies stored in there as well. So today we teamed up to begin the grueling  task of taking alllllll of the crap out of the room, organizing it, and putting it back. We must be on the brink of insanity because anyone in their right mind wouldn't take on a task like that, and that probably how it ended up looking like that in the first place. I must say that I am truly devastated that I didn't get a picture of it all before, and for that matter what it looked like after. Because after 4 hours, the room was truly night and day, and we aren't even finished yet. I think I went through about 12 boxes of things which out of those 6 stayed. It was was hard work to say the least, but as I like to say "Workin' hard or hardly working'!" 

All of that wiped me out. I was tired and grumpy and what better to cheer me up than catching up on So You Think You Can Dance. I was thrilled to see Jess go home but less than extacic to see Jordan go home. I can't wait until Melinie wins the whole thing! 

My mom cooked a huge meal tonight including scalloped potatoes. I can freaking chow on that stuff right there. The whole family was over plus Kek's Bff at the end. I love how dysfunctional this picture is, but its who we are. 

After Din, I went up stairs to wrap up the last patch of painting. Can I just say that when I pored the paint out I had a heart attack cause it looked pink.. So it looks red in his picture, but seriously it. was. pink. 

The stripe ended up needing 3 coats of paint. Luckily, it was just a small patch of the wall! Here is the finished product. I love the burst of color it adds to the monochromatic colors already in the room. 

Remember these crates? 

I had an epiphany to hang them on the wall like a book shelf to hold all our dvds and knick knacks and not to ring my own bell but it turned out pretty dang awesome. 

We didn't pay anything for the knick knacks. I ran around the house finding things that would look cool, like my collection of vintage camera, a mason jar, old baseball and an old glass coke bottle. And although the picture doesn't do it justice, I love the functionality and the height it adds to the room. And ways here are some pictures of the semi-decorated man cave. There wasn't much light so excuse the poor quality photos. 

I feel like a proud mother right now. This room is my baby. 

Here's where I got my giggles for today: 

Totally B.A.

Until Next Time, 

Workin' Hard Wanda 


Pretty Painters.

Day two here of the impromptu playroom redecorating and I say its going pretty dang well. I was a little concerned that I was going to be swamped in painting for the rest of the weekend, but thanks to my gracious and most wonderful roommate (who is in town visiting) things went over extremely smooth! 
My mom insisted that I let Jack and Chloe help whether that was letting them paint a square foot of the wall or filling the paint trays. It wasn't going half bad, but there were certainly too many cooks in the kitchen. (Hailey's snark comment to follow: "But we aren't in a kitchen Jasmine.") 

Clearly, we paint in style, because I am wearing like 4 different patterns/colors. 

In a little under 5 hours we painted the huge room. 8 coats of paint total, including all the baseboards. I'd say for two college girls with minimal painting experience we were on a roll. Wanna hire us? ;)

Here are some crappy photos of what we got done today. 

The room is mostly put together now, but I was too lazy to walk back upstairs after my dad finished putting the cabinets up to get a picture. LOL. Tomorrow, I'm hopping to finish the red stripe and place the final touches on what we have planned so far. Even after that though, the room still has a while to go until being complete. 

Sidenotes though! 

Hailey and I decided that when we come into each other's  lives that the universe just can't handle it and super weird stuff starts happening. Like us talking about the UPS guy who was driving by ( who didn't freaking bring my book that I ordered AGAIN) and then out of no where the street sign falls over. We seriously almost peed ourselves. 

Or running over Jack's mini skateboard and getting stuck on the driveway. 

This probably all happens because Hailey and I are the type of people who go to McDonald's in our sweatpants and sports bras covered in paint, no shoes on and get a McFlurry but on the way stop to touch fluffy plants on the side of the road.. 

I think people seriously worry about us sometimes. 
I love us. Even if we do take really unflattering pictures. 

Until Next Time,
Pretty Painters. 

Arg Ye Maties!

It's pirate week at work this week and the kids are sooo into it! Today I came in and half of them were running around with cute little pirate hats and telescopes. There is something about hats or dress up clothes that literally transport kids into an entirely new world and its truly brilliant to watch. I love watching their minds go wild with the idea of building a pirate ship out of all the soft blocks. Or when they attacked me while I was wearing a shark head, because I said I was a shark who was scared of pirates. The giggles that fill the room are pure and electric. You can't help but smile. I mean look at their ship, look at their faces. That is joy, imagination, and the epitome of childhood right there. 

We honestly had such a blast today. From making hooks for the kids to wear or even getting their face painted like a pirate. ( I was pretty dang proud of how well I did with this one!) 

It's safe to say that I love my job right now. Even when nameless child decides to wipe poop all over the wall in the bathroom after tearing whole roll of TP to shreds. Which I am still trying to figure out how in the world he tore it up that small. It's the hugs, the snuggles, the giggles and the smiles that keep me going even through traumatizing moments like cleaning poop off the wall. ( Which oddly enough, I don't think will be my last time!) 

I'm blessed to have each one of their shinning faces in my life, even if their fingers are covered in poop. 


All in a days work..

So today I was gonna go to the gym, I really really was. I was walking upstairs to try to drag my mom’s butt to the gym too when I looked into what was formally know as the playroom. (I was going to put a dumb joke about “The artist formally known as Prince” in there, but I’ll pass for your sake.) At this point it was a sad excuse for anything. It’s kind morphed into a movie/video game room because of the projector.
My parents had been talking forever about painting it and putting in a couch. Key word there being “talking.” My dad had patched up the walls last week, and frankly I couldn’t walk past it one more time, with that state its in. Talk is cheap. So at 3:30pm today, I told my mom I’m painting it. NOW.
Good thing my mom was tired of looking at it too. Cause look what we went to get 10 minutes later..

Thats a freaking lot of paint.
But here’s why.. ( The disastrous state of former playroom)

^^ Those ugly curtains took me 20 minutes to get down. Worth every second.

Can I just say that I have nothing to do with those chairs being in the room? They are so tacky.
Anyhowzer. Here is my sloooow progress for today.

Just kidding. haha.
Mommy even helped me out a little:)

Ceiling is finished, and that’s all for today:)

And so I just realized I didn’t even say what we were doing. We are painting the ceiling, the back wall, window wall, and arch wall, this light grey color. The projector screen wall is going to be a dark grey with a red horizontal stripe. We are painting all the accents black (but not this time around).
 We also have some fun ideas to incorporate these cool vintage pop crates! But you’ll just have to wait and see!

In the end, I had lots of paint to scrub off and a soar neck. I’m hopping to finish the room tomorrow!
Until next time,
Painter Peggy :)


I'm tired of Tumblr. Frankly, I cant stand reblogging and that's pretty much all everyone does on there. I love their set up but it's just not personal blogging territory. And that's how I ended up here. I've tried Wordpress and Weebly and don't really like either of them. 

Anywho, welcome to my life. I want to share everything from daily life, outings, vacations, recipes and my inspiration on here! I hope I don't bore you to tears, but I guess you wouldn't be reading if that were the case. :)
