

This is just a quick little snippet of my night! My family drove into town for one day on their way to Des Moines so we got together with the Woogs for swimming, pizza and cards:) Love having the "Spoogs" all together again! 

Isn't it scary how similar all us kids look?! I think there is something our parents aren't telling us ;)

Until Next Time,



Home Sweet Home- Summer Edition

Look at these little men!

So I've definitely been meaning to write this post for the last 5 days and just never made time to get to it. Summer is in full blast and I trying to live it up as much as possible before I start nannying the boys 40 hours a week. EKK! If I have no hair by the end of the summer, its probably because I pulled it all out from these two 11 year olds. They moved onto sixth grade last night at a continuation ceremony at school.  As Mr. Love, one of my middle school teachers, used to say, once you hit sixth grade you become jaded and apathetic.. is that really what I have to look forward to all summer?!

This week I also finally moved into my "Summer Home." No, I don't have a fancy summer cabin down my the lake, although I wish.

Afte living out of my car and being practically homeless for a weekend I was so ready to move into "The Rosemary House" (what we call the house.. cause we live on Rosemary street, creative right?;))

I am just subletting a room from a girl who just needed a place holder for the summer so it worked out perfect. What's even better is she left her bed, desk, dresser and bookshelf! She also left a few pictures hanging, so out of respect I kept them up and worked them into my design! 

Here it is!
Art: Pre-exisiting (its crooked!?)
Bedding: Garage Sale $15
Throw Blanket: Ross $ 10
Pillow: Garage Sale $2

Office nook

Cork board: Walmart $10
(decorated with free paint samples  and thumbtacks!) 
The desk had no storage except for a little alcove in the back. So got creative and  took some old mason jars to place pens, pencils, etc. Best thing is they fit perfect and keep my desk from getting cluttered.

Mason Jars: King Soopers $15 for 20
I also used some vintage muffin tins I got at a garage sale for $2 last summer for the smaller desk items and hair ties. 

Art/Dresser: Pre-exisitng
Cookbooks: All over!
Fan: Target $6 (SALE!)
I'm absolutely loving the closet space too. It's not quite a walk in but certainly big enough! 

Basket: Target $8
Blanket:Handmade by me!

Storage Bins: Dollar Tree $1 ea.

I am loving the chance to decorate and organize all my stuff all over again. Obviously, I'm having fun with it. 

Luckily, I dont have to put everything in my room and I can store a lot of it in the basement.. Look at all this crap! 

And of course I needed a corny mirror picture of myself in my new room..

Until Next Time,




Like I said a couple days ago, I crashed for the weekend with my good family friends the Woogs. I love spending time with them and how they always make me feel like one of the family. 

Yesterday, Mady ( who is 8 days younger than Chloe and looks just like her), wanted to learn how to longboard. So as a family we all went out to the back trails of Highlands Ranch so she could learn!

It was a super pretty trail and we ended up walking for over 2 hours. 

Mady and Megs both did amazing learning and were fearless headed down small hills even. 

I got a little fearless myself and went down a hill that was a little too steep. After too much speed wobble, I flew off and scuffed up my leg and shoulder pretty bad. But wiped myself up and got back on the board! 

After a long walk Megs made us a delicious Calzone and I made a chocolate mousse pie! 

I loved every moment with my second family and cant wait to make it back down here again this summer!

Thanks Woog's for everything!

Until Next Time,



Summer Storms.

It is officially summer my friends! I survived my internship, I survived the stresses of packing your entire room 10 minutes before you have to check out and I survived my second year of college! I can't believe that I am already a junior in college. I feel old! That just means my parents feel even older ;)

My last day of my internship was awesome! I got my review back from my boss and she almost made me cry with the positive feedback she gave me. I was so flattered by how impressed they were with my work and how much they loved working with me. It was so bittersweet to leave all my new friends and work family. They had welcomed me to the Inverness with open arms and they were sad to see me leave. But man was I ready for a break!

After my last day, I was treated to sushi by Jordan which was delicious! We went to a place in the Highlands (my new most favorite part of Denver) called Sushi Sasa. I highly recommend it!

Denver Skyline from The Highland
Then stayed up forever packing.. which I still didnt even get that much done.

Friday morning we had to be out of our room by 12pm. So we were up and at 'em early. Moving stuff from the room to my car, from my car to the Rosemary House (the house were I am living with a few other girls for the summer). Thank God for the help of Jordan and Katie. I would have never been able to move all my crap on my own.

I treated them out to breakfast, which ended up not being that great.. hahah.

At 11:50 I was still packing but some how we managed to be check out at 12pm on the dot thanks to my most wonderful friends.

Hails and I take a picture together every year, well this is only the second year, of our empty rooms. 
Here's year one and two.

After work Friday, I headed out to the Woog's house. The Woog's have known me since I was born and were good friends with my parents in high school and on. I absolutely adore Scott and Lynette and their goregous daughters Megan, Maddy, and McKenna. They were so gracious to let me stay at their house this weekend since I am technically homeless until Tuesday when I move into the Rosemary house.

This morning was Graduation at school and I went out to support my fellow classmates. It was a torrential down pour of rain.. the entire time. And you guessed it, we were outside. But we toughed it out... even if I had to physically ring my dress out several times.

We are all super proud of Emily and will miss her next year! She gave an amazing speech on behalf of her class mates and had a beautiful message to share!

We toughed it out a little longer for pictures and goodbyes.

Team Emily!

I also technically graduated with my associates with manga cum laude:) Yay!

Even though the weather isnt ready for summer, I am. Im ready for the new adventures, new friends, new experiences and warm weather that is in store. Summer 2012, here I come!

Until Next Time,
