
To Journal or not to Journal, That is the question.

I've always been one of those people who has been jealous of people who journal. People who open up their cute little journal and scribble down thoughts emotions doodles and deep intellectual conclusions about God and the world. I start a journal keep it doing for.. Um.. one day.. and never pick it up again.

I often have the urge to write things down personal thoughts that I can't post publicly here to my blog but I don't have the tension span. I'm like a squirrel.

Thats also why I have trouble praying alone, I get so easily distracted with the things I'm praying about.

So to cure my journal desire issues I went to Pintrest, naturally.

I found a brilliant idea where you write down the Peaks, Pits, Praises and Prayers of the day. Being a person who thrives on structure, this is the perfect set up for me!

Luckily I had an old cute journal, with, yes, just one entry, so I tore it out and started fresh. And I can proudly say I have written in it every day for ONE WHOLE WEEK, which is seriously like a century in journal world. The nice thing is I get to reflect on the blessings in my day and the things I want to change too. And it is sooo much easier to pray when I can focus on writing it down! It's been a really cool experience!
So then after starting this I was like on a journal kick. I wanted like 7 more for anything and everything.  But I knew that would lead me right back to a one hit wonder and I would quit them all. 

I had heard and seen pictures of this "book" called Wreck This Journal. Last week while in a bookstore in Boulder I couldn't help but find and buy one. It's not like any other journal you have ever seen. The premise of the journal is destruction, to absolutely thrash the book to the point of no return. Each page has a different prompt or idea of how to destroy the book. 

(This is what it looks like when you buy it..)

Now for an OCD/control-freak/ perfectionist like myself that sounds like the worst nightmare. Destroying something on purpose, allowing yourself to let go of control even if it is just of a silly book, and creating something that is not perfect. Good thing there is a warning for people like me right inside on the first page..

"Live more recklessly".. righhtt.. cause thats what I need. 

I think the instructions stressed me out even more..

A. I freaked out when it told me to do every page because some of the prompts are more than questionable. 
B. Instructions should never be "up for interpretation" thats why they are called instructions. 
C. "Work against your better judgement." Really? because I'm pretty sure it should be the other way around. 

But I figured I had spent to $15 bucks, I might as well make the most of it. So I did the first prompt. "Crack the Spine."

I dont think you understand how wonderful it was to snap something in half. To tear, bend, and shake the little book till I broke its back. Surprisingly, not all that stressful. 

Some prompts were more stressful than others where I had to step back and say " It's ok to ruin this. It's ok to throw this book on the ground. After all that is what the instructions say to do..."

After 5 days I have done quite a few and some I am saving for when I have loosened up a bit. But here are some examples of pages I may or may not have done.

Top Left: Bring the book in the shower. Not done.
Top Right: Document your dinner. Rub, Smear, Splatter your food. Use as a napkin. Done, obvi. It looks totally gross cause it really is. 
Bottom Left: Cut through several layers. Done, but not pictured. 
Bottom Right: Trace everything in your bag. Allow the lines to overlap. Done and soo stressful.

So far I have worked on 19 pages, but none of them are completed pages. I know I will keep adding. 

Like today, I found a bow and stapled it on the front. Just so people know its a girl book, not a boy book. 

I have really enjoyed using this particular journal as a creative outlet, because I cant pull out my craft supplies anytime and this I can do anywhere. 

All in all, Ive been transformed into a full on journal girl even if they are both a bit unorthodox.. but that's kinda me in a nutshell anyways!

Until Next Time,



No Cookie Cutters Here

Last post I talked about the little walk I went on and shared some of the photos. Today was my day off and I knew I needed some of that quiet time again so I grabbed my camera and drove over to the boys school an hour early and walked around Cherry Creek shopping district.

Denver is known for their absolutely gorgeous houses. Since I was little I have gawked over the Victorian style houses with deep red brick and huge white columns. One day I hope that I am blessed enough to own one of the stunning brick manors.I know it would make my mom incredibly jealous though :)

Cherry Creek is a little different though. You will not find any cookie cutter houses in this artist district of Denver. People in Cherry Creek are pretentious ( apologizes if you are from the area, but it is mostly true), and it certainly shows in their homes. You will not find one house looking like another. There may be a very angular house and right next door a perfectly manicured Victorian. I was quite inspired by the individuality none the less.

And while I don't claim to be a talented photographer, believe me, I am very amateur, I couldn't help but snap a few shots of the perfectly up-kept homes.

Adoring gates right now.

The only un-manicured lawn in all of Cherry Creek.

Sweet little mini home.. of course attached to a mansion. 

Super Art Deco. 


Very misplaced home, yet my favorite.

As you can see all the homes are very different but beautiful in their own way. Kinda like humans. I think thats how it was intended in the first place:) 

This last picture is my favorite of the day. Just sitting on the couch at work admiring the sunlight streaming in.

Until Next Time,



Fresh Air.

Sometimes life goes so fast. It is like a road runner and you are the coyote. It throws a boulder on your head then speeds off scoffing at you while you are trying to keep up.

I am constantly feeling like the coyote trying to catch up to my own life. While I often have quiet moments in the evenings and my days off, they don't satisfy me. My mind is busy with work, internship, friendships and relationships, my family and a billion other things. My mind is never quiet. My mind is never relaxed. Not even when I am sleeping, considering I dream about pastries every night, and frankly it is turning into a nightmare.

There is so much going on that I wish I could write about but my mind is even to cluttered to write my thoughts and feelings out. That is until I went for a walk.

God created this Earth to echo Himself. Pure beauty.

I needed to allow myself to slow down and enjoy His creation to be able to clear my mind. So on Friday I took a walk to do one of my favorite things, take pictures. I used to go out and take pictures of God's beauty all the time. It is so therapeutic. But I lost that passion somewhere along the line, it got lost in the chaos of my mind.

I took my time. I stopped when I saw something I liked and kept walking when I didnt. Stopped and got a coffee, went to the library and just walked around Cherry Creek quietly, even in my mind.

For the first time in months, my mind was at peace. My body was a peace. And I was truly smitten by God's attention to detail.

Isaiah 55:12
“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” 


Until Next Time,