
Shady's Back, Back Again.

If you are even still out there my precious readers... I'm back. I'm not sure how permanently, but I've been itching to write again and just didn't know where to start. 

I'll catch you up though.. 

Hailey and I moved into a perfect little apartment minutes away from school, and we are absolutely loving it. These past few weeks we've been meshing our styles together to add some charm to our humble abode. As soon as we put the final touches on the rooms you better believe there is gonna be a "home tour" post about it!

I started my third year of college almost a month ago. It's crazy that time has flown by so quickly and that I've been at JWU for two full years now?! I've been staying insanely busy with studying and homework for my classes, even though I only have three.. rough life, I know;) 

I am still nannying Ben and Ari and still pulling my hair out with their each and every shenanigan. They are sixth graders now.. and just like a wise teacher once told me, "once you hit middle school you become jaded and apathetic." Oh, how true is that statement.

I'm also working on getting more involved at school and have joined a few clubs. I was recently accepted into Collegiate Ambassador  Team (CAT) which works with potential incoming students leading tours, talking with concerned parents, and sharing my love of JWU with others! I'm also waiting to hear if I was accepted into Student Alumni Association (SAA), crossing my fingers!

As usually, I'm enjoying the easy and not so easy life as a college student. Counting every penny to make rent while taking midnight trips to Wendy's for frosties. Jordan, Hails and I have watched a record amount of movies these past few weeks to supplement for no cable. We eat out way too much, go to the gym far too little and try and meet as many new people as possible. 

The new school year is gonna bring challenges, (well, already is), but I am ready to take it head on. But my friends and I are gonna make the most to every minutes. Cheers to a new school year, even if I am a month late. 

Until next time and I promise it will be sooner than the last time,
