
"Sue" Cool.

It is yet another bone chilling evening here in Denver. Currently 0F and it is expected to get down to -10. Yes, that is a negative sign.  I saw someone's Facebook status that said "It's never a good sign when you can count the number of degrees outside using one hand.." Well I say its never a good thing when you can count the negative degrees on two hands. Thats just asking for trouble. And while all Hell is freezing over out there, its hotter than Hades in our room right now. Hence the reason why I have the window open.. Do you see what kinda of sick game is happening here?! 

In our protest against the ice age, Jordan and I needed to get out and do something fun. This really isn't the cheapest city to have fun in either, but to our rescue came Broke In Denver blog. It has all Denver free days, and other cool free and cheap things to do in this city! ( NOTE: after Jordan read this blog, he whined about how I didnt give him credit for finding something fun to do. So here you go. Thank you Master of fun things for people who want to do fun things. Whatever would I do with out you!)  With a quick look we realized that there was a free day TODAY at the Denver Nature and Science Museum! Nerdy, but something indoors, and free to do! 

There was a cool space exhibit, where a chatty volunteer held us up for 10 minutes talking about spacewaves-magigies and lightyear-stuff.  
Space Man Jordan 
Next off to the mines, to look at some gemsssss.

Then we looked at a lot of stuffed animals which frankly was making me nauseous.. 

"Moose, Moose" (someone is bound to get my reference there) 


Poor Mummy 

Rich Mummy
AND LASTLY, we. saw. SUE.

Sue is the biggest dinosaur fossil ever to be extracted. It was actually found on accident when an archaeologist got a flat tire and decided to go exploring! Sue was said to weigh over 7 tons and lived to be 28 years old! 

There were no photos allowed in this fun robotic dinosaur exhibit but we did get this little souvenir..

Afterwards we adventured back into the cold to find a coffee shop we had passed by once before. Tree Haus, is a quant little coffee shop that is located in a little house off of 17th and Lafayette .  The serve amazing vanilla lattes ( with homemade all natural vanilla syrup), killer green tea, and AMAZING sandwiches. 

Jordan and I got The Aspen sandwich with hot Pastrami, capers, Champagne Sauerkraut all on Rye bread.  It was simple mouthwatering. 

We will sooo be back there soon. 

And tonight I leave you with a picture that keeps me falling in love with winter, despite its clear attempts to turn my toes into icicles!

Until Next Time,


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