
Guess Whoooo's Having a Baby?

Fooled yah! I am definitely not having a baby, don't worry Mom and Dad. That won't be coming for a very long time. 

But I do feel like everyone in my world right is pregnant. There is some serious baby boom happening right now. 

Jordan's Auntie Rose is about 8 month along and just had a huge baby shower for friends and family. They asked me to make an Owl cake for the shower because of their amazingly cute owl theme. 

It should have looked like this..

So freaking cute right?!

For mine I made all the cake, frosting, and fondant  by scratch. That was the beginning of my issues, because the fondant was so soft that every time I tried to cover the cake it ripped. So my ended up looking like this.

Not quite the same.. 

I wasn't very fond of my work but everyone else seemed to love it! So that's good!

The rest of the party was amazing! Decorations by Auntie Ana Lynn were owl-ragously cute and there Mama Nise made insane amounts of great food:) 

I didnt get a picture of the massive amounts of food, but lets just say I ate myself into a food coma. I had a totally had a food baby after the night. 

Lastly, I have been working on a baby blanket for Baby Maia for a while now. I love giving quilts as gifts just because I still sleep with my baby blanket (and proud of it!) and I want to give that opportunity to other babies too! 

I think it turned out sooo cute and comfy. I almost kept it for myself ;) 

Anyways, I cant one day to have a cute little baby shower just like this one day. One day.. :)

Until Next Time,


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